1,针对mysql操作 SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('newpass'); 设置密码 update user set password=passworD("test") where user='root';修改密码 flush privileges; grant all on *.* to root@'%' identified by 'your_password'; mysql> select user,pass…
Mysql操作: grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to root@"%" Identified by "123456"; #授权远程访问 create database s12day9 charset utf8; #创建支持中文的数据库 创建表: create table students ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, name char(32) not…
Mysql 增删改查操作 查看数据库 show databases; 创建数据库并允许中文插入 create database s12day9 charset utf8; 使用数据库 use s12day9; 查看表 show tables; 创建表 create table students ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, name ) not null, sex ) not null, age tinyint unsigned no…
Python/MySQL(四.MySQL数据库操作) 一.数据库条件语句: case when id>9 then ture else false 二.三元运算: if(isnull(xx)0,1) 三.上下连表: select id,name from ta1 union 天然去重(检测上边的表和下边的表行内完全一样就只显示一行内容) select num,sname from tb2 ========================================== select id,n…