gcd(欧几里得算法辗转相除法): gcd ( a , b )= d : 即 d = gcd ( a , b ) = gcd ( b , a mod b ):以此式进行递归即可. 之前一直愚蠢地以为辗转相除法输进去时 a 要大于 b ,现在发现事实上如果 a 小于 b,那第一次就会先交换 a 与 b. #include<stdio.h> #define ll long long ll gcd(ll a,ll b){ ?a:gcd(b,a%b); } int main(){ ll a,b; wh…
描述 The history of Peking University Library is as long as the history of Peking University. It was build in 1898. At the end of year 2015, it had about 11,000 thousand volumes of books, among which 8,000 thousand volumes were paper books and the othe…