Error:svn: E155004: Run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)svn: E155004: Working copy 'D:\JavaProgram\IDEA workspace\shenghuojia' locked.svn: E155004: 'D:\JavaProgram\IDEA workspace\shenghuojia' is already locked. 出现sv…
svn: E155004: ..(path of resouce).. is already locked I'm getting an error when trying to commit a change to a repository. I'm sure that my resources (classes) are not locked but it still gives me the error: Some resources were not updated. svn: E155…
在出错文件夹下(或整个工程项目),鼠标右键TortoiseSVN->Clean up. SVN错误:Attempted to lock an already-locked dir 1.出现这个问题后使用“清理”功能,如果还不行,就直接到上一级目录(或整个工程项目),再执行“清理”,然后再“更新”. 2.有时候如果看到某个包里面的文件夹没有SVN的标志,直接用“Ctrl+Delete”手工删除,然后“清理”,最后“更新”或“提交”.…
[]# svn up svn: E155004: Working copy '/EMRCV5' locked. svn: E155004: '/EMRCV5' is already locked. svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details) []# svn cleanup []#…
今天早上到公司开了电脑,准备update下SVN的代码,但是在update时出现svn: E155004: Working copy 'E:\XX' locked 错误,乍眼一看以为是什么配置出错,但是他们update源码时正常.后来仔细一看错误原因,是因为有locked,然后估计是被锁定了,然后在网上找了一遍.得到以下结论: Still if it doesn't work, just lock all the files and unlock. Now clean up again, It…
思路: 找 到SVN Server中的仓库(Repositories)文件夹的位置,在相应的项目文件夹中找到hooks文件夹.在该文件夹中添加一个post- commit文件:当有commit动作发生时(提交到SVN Server时)就会执行这个post-commit文件,在该文件实现数据的复制. 实际: 今天测试了半天,一直说subversion is too old 让升级,后来就升级了TortoiseSVN到1.8发现还是有问题,最后卸了装装了卸,终于弄明白了,就是TortoiseSVN…
用idea开发项目,更新svn有时莫名其妙的出现 Error:Error performing cleanup for 'D:\SourceProject\XXXX': svn: E155004: There are unfinished work items in 'D:\SourceProject\pay2.0'; run 'svn cleanup' first. 解决办法: 1.官网下载sqllite3,我是wind…
需求一,svn提交时必须填写log日志的需求,如何进行配置呢?请看下面. 需要在版本库目录下找到hooks文件夹,我的版本库是dxoffice,所以是这个目录,你要找自己的目录 然后进入,创建一个pre-commit.bat文件,提交之前要做的一个hooks文件,编辑,将以下内容拷贝到文件中并进行保存. @echo off :: :: Stops commits that have empty log messages. :: @echo off set svnlook="D:/Program…
错误1: Some of selected resources were not added to version control. Some of selected resources were not committed. svn: E155004: Working copy 'E:\Program Files\Dawnpro\seo\WebRoot\pages\cvcvs' locked svn: E155004: 'E:\Program Files\Dawnpro\seo\WebRoot…
1. svn: Server sent unexpected return value (500 Internal Server Error) in response to OPTIONS request for '' 错误的用户名 检查登录的用户名是否输入错误 svn: 服务器发送了意外的返回值(500 Internal Server Error),在响应 “OPTIONS” 的请求 “http://svn.moon.ossx…
1. svn: Server sent unexpected return value (500 Internal Server Error) in response to OPTIONS request for '' 错误的用户名 检查登录的用户名是否输入错误 svn: 服务器发送了意外的返回值(500 Internal Server Error),在响应 “OPTIONS” 的请求“http://svn.moon.ossxp…