27.Examine these facts about a database: 1. USERS is the database default tablespace. 2. USER1, USER2, AND USER3 have the CREATE SESSION privilege. 3. They also have UNLIMITED QUOTA on the default tablespace USERS. 4. They have no other privileges. E…
25.Which is true about logical and physical database structures? (Choose the best answer) A. An undo tablespace has a temp file instead of a data file. B. A segment can consist of extents of different sizes. C. A permanent tablespace can only contain…
24. YOUR DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE Is 8G. Currently, 5G of the space Is used of which 4G consists of obsolete backups. You execute this command: SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET db_recovery_file_dest_size=2G; What is the outcome? A) It changes DB_RECOVERY_FILE…
22.You are planning a software installation for both Oracle Database 11g Release 1 and Release 2. You plan to have at lease one database for each release managed by Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server. Which three are true in this scenario? A…
23.Which two are true about data dictionary and dynamic performance views (v$ views)? A) All database users have access to ALL_* views. B) Data dictionary view output is subject to read consistency. C) The defining queries for Oracle supplied dynamic…
克隆篇请参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/IWings/p/6744895.html 在mac安装visual studio code https://code.visualstudio.com/Download 在mac创建一个文件夹test,并用visual studio code打开这个文件夹 切换到git面板,可以看到有很多无关的changes,这是因为test文件夹没有建立自己的git关联,所以git面板 显示的是mac系统的一些东西 准备为test文件夹建立自己的g…
20. Which is true about the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces? A) The SYSAUX tablespace can be made read-only but the SYSTEM tablespace cannot. B) Both tablespaces can be used for temporary storage if no temporary tablespace is defined. C) Only the SYSTE…
Libre 6006 「网络流 24 题」试题库 / Luogu 2763 试题库问题 (网络流,最大流) Description 问题描述: 假设一个试题库中有n道试题.每道试题都标明了所属类别.同一道题可能有多个类别属性.现要从题库中抽取m 道题组成试卷.并要求试卷包含指定类型的试题.试设计一个满足要求的组卷算法. 编程任务: 对于给定的组卷要求,计算满足要求的组卷方案. Input 第1行有2个正整数k和n (2 <=k<= 20, k<=n<= 1000) k 表示题库中试…
新冠疫情深刻和全面地影响着社会和生活,已经成为数学建模竞赛的背景帝. 本文收集了与新冠疫情相关的的数学建模竞赛赛题,供大家参考,欢迎收藏关注. 『Python小白的数学建模课 @ Youcans』带你从数模小白成为国赛达人. 0. 前言:新冠疫情成了数模竞赛的背景帝 新冠疫情爆发以来,不仅严重影响到全球的政治和经济,也深刻和全面地影响着社会和生活的方方面面,甚至已经成为数学建模竞赛的背景帝. 传染病模型本来就是数学建模课程中的常见问题和模型.随着疫情的影响越来越严重.广泛和持久,不仅疫情传播.疫…
ffmpeg 2.8.1 最新版本 VS2013 可调式动态库 由于大多数初学者都在想尽各种版本寻求VC编译调试ffmpeg的版本,我也曾经移植过几个版本的ffmpeg到VC上编译.: 链接所需动态库 在附加依赖项中,添加所使用的ffmpeg库. 在解决方案中设置可调式源码 如图,在解决方案中设置,在调试源文件中–>包含源代码的目录中,将ffmpeg.tar.bz2的代码解压,并设置目录即可.此ffmpeg是官方原生的,没有经过修改,因此大家也可以使用官方的下载的作为调试源码 下载地址 [调试包…