WordCount of Software Engineering】的更多相关文章

1.Github项目地址:https://github.com/BayardM/WordCount 2.PSP表格(before): PSP2.1 Personal Software Process Stages 预估耗时(分钟) 实际耗时(分钟) Planning 计划         30   · Estimate · 估计这个任务需要多少时间         30   Development 开发          50   · Analysis · 需求分析 (包括学习新技术)    …
recourse: "Software Engineering", Ian Sommerville Keywords for this chapter: planning scheduling cost estimation Project planning takes place at three stages in a project life cycle: At the proposal stage (When you are bidding for a contract to…
I've learned a lot in my software engineering class about how a program comes out.That's also a essential part from the whole procedure. Here I wanna share something in my mind with you. 一般说来,我们可以把软件的生命周期划分为软件定义.软件开发.软件运行三个时期. 软件定义时期是生命周期的第一个时期,也是软件开…
resources:"Software Engineering" Ian Sommerville For most projects, important goals are: Deliver the software to customer at the agreed time. Keep overall costs within budget. Deliver software that meets the customer's expections. Maintain a hap…
Resource: Ian, Sommerville, Software Engineering 1. Professional software development 1.1 Software engineering Software engineering is intended to support professional software development rather than individual programming. It may include: a number…
SENG201 (Software Engineering I) ProjectSpace ExplorerFor project admin queries:For project help, hints and questions:March 25, 20191 Introduction1.1 AdministrationThis project is a part of the SENG201 assessment process. It is worth 25%of the final…
在进行了一次结对编程.一次团队编程和一次个人编程项目后,读了<No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering>,在此说说自己的感想体会.在团队编程中我们遇到了很多个人.结对编程时没有遇到的问题. Of all the monsters that fill the nightmares of our folklore, none terrify more than werewolves, because they t…
Google的Fergus Henderson在Software Engineering at Google中介绍了Google的软件工程实践. 软件开发 源码仓库 单一源代码仓库,除了核心配置和安全相关代码,任何工程师都可以访问任何代码,并可以根据需要修改 所有开发都基于master分支,发布的时候才创建发布分枝 代码的每个子树都有owner,任何修改都需要owner批准 Blaze分布式构建系统 构建和测试存储库中的任何软件通常非常简单和快捷 开发人员只需要编写BUILD文件,并且每个构建系…
https://talks.golang.org/2012/splash.article Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering Rob Pike Google, Inc. @rob_pike http://golang.org/s/plusrob http://golang.org Contents Abstract Introduction Go at Google Pain points De…
①.Software-软件”一词是20世纪60年代才出现的,软件Software——1958年由贝尔实验室的著名统计学家John Tukey 提出软件与硬件一起构成完整的计算机系统,它们是相互依存,缺一不可的. 自从第一台计算机诞生以后,就开始了软件的生产,到现在为止,经过了三个阶段.即程序设计时代,程序系统时代,软件工程时代. 1.程序设计时代(1964年~1956年) 这个阶段的生产方式是个体手工劳动,使用的工具是机器语言,汇编语言. 2.程序系统时代(1956年~1968年) 这阶段的生产…
Agile software development Agile software development is a group of software development methods based on iterative and incremental development, in which requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functiona…
几个星期前,我阅读过一篇文章,一位老师教导自己的学生要积极地去阅读文学文献,其中,我很欣赏他的一句话:“Just think of liturature as if you're reading a long text-message”.引申到这里,对比后才发现自己在现实生活中真的很少在课后花时间来细看自己的专业书籍,说来惭愧,这种情况出现的频率最多的就是在学期末备战考试了.因为这次的作业,我似乎告诉自己这是一个非常“恰当”的理由去让自己提前去完成未完的“任务”.阅读一本书,就要认真,要对得起自…
几个星期前,我阅读过一篇文章,一位老师教导自己的学生要积极地去阅读文学文献,其中,我很欣赏他的一句话:“Just think of liturature as if you're reading a long text-message”.引申到这里,对比后才发现自己在现实生活中真的很少在课后花时间来细看自己的专业书籍,说来惭愧,这种情况出现的频率最多的就是在学期末备战考试了.因为这次的作业,我似乎告诉自己这是一个非常“恰当”的理由去让自己提前去完成未完的“任务”.阅读一本书,就要认真,要对得起自…
现在市面上有诸多软件,选取一类软件,请分析: Q1:此类软件是什么时候出现的,这些软件是怎么说服你(陌生人)成为它们的用户的?他们的目标都是盈利的么?他们的目标都是赚取用户的现金的么?还是别的? A1:我选择的是手机应用——课程格子.大学上课是要提前看好时间和教室的,打印课程表不如将课程表存在手机里方便:纸质课程表是"死"的,单双周课程无法直观显示,而课程格子会自动提示上课时间.教室与授课教师,所以我选择了课程格子来陪伴我的学习.课程格子于2012年8月29日创建,是一款基于课程表的移…
11061190-李孟 Implement a console application to tally the frequency of words under a directory (2 modes). 先感慨一句:费尽千辛万苦,总算把程序写出来了. (1)&(2)在我开始实现这个项目之前,我估计我需要花24小时的时间.我预计将整个项目分成以下几个部分分别测试以及实现: 模块 预计时间 实际时间 (1)遍历文件夹 1h 2h (2)输入输出流 1h 0.5h (3)数据存储 10h 8h…
工厂对象通常包含一个或多个方法,用来创建这个工厂所能创建的各种类型的对象.这些方法可能接收参数,用来指定对象创建的方式,最后返回创建的对象. 有时,特定类型对象的控制过程比简单地创建一个对象更复杂.在这种情况下,工厂对象就派上用场了.工厂对象可能会动态地创建产品对象的类,或者从对象池中返回一个对象,或者对所创建的对象进行复杂的配置,或者应用其他的操作. 这些类型的对象很有用.几个不同的设计模式都应用了工厂的概念,并可以使用在很多语言中.例如,在<设计模式>一书中,像工厂方法模式.抽象工厂模式.…
六大关系:关联association.依赖dependency.聚合aggregation.组合compositon.泛化generalization.实现realization. 盗图: 关联:关联关系使一个类知道另外一个类的属性和方法:通常含有“知道”,“了解”的含义.通过成员变量来实现的: 依赖:是类与类之间的连接,表示一个类依赖于另外一个类的定义:依赖关系仅仅描述了类与类之间的一种使用与被使用的关系: 体现为局部变量.方法/函数的参数或者是对静态方法的调用: 聚合:关联关系的一种.聚合关…
作业任务: 软件工程 软件工程 作业要求 作业要求 作业目标 博客园.github注册 自我介绍 软工5问 自我介绍: 广东工业大学计算机学院18级信息安全二班 广东工业大学AD攻防工作室成员&&广东工业大学Valcano战队菜鸡pwn手 学习方向:二进制安全,ctf:pwn 兴趣爱好:打篮球&&跑步,以及打ctf时被别人花式吊打,动漫&&纸片人? 博客主页那个纸片人是因为之前看到博客里面用纸片人做主页的都是大佬,想蹭点buff加成 个人博客 个人GitHu…
Testing Is the Engineering Rigor of Software Development Neal Ford DEVELOPERS LOVE TO USE TORTURED METAPHORS when trying to explain what it is they do to family members, spouses, and other nontechies. We fre- quently resort to bridge building and oth…
微软近期Open的职位: Job Title: Senior Software Engineer Location: Shanghai, China Have you ever imagined the world with infinite amount of storage available and accessible to everyone? &nbsp Everyone in the world can easily access their books/music/photos/v…
微软近期Open的职位: Office China team is looking for experienced engineers to improve consumer experience in China. Office has great products and features that are loved by users worldwide. We are looking for self-motivated engineers that can work in a star…
微软近期Open的职位: Office China team is looking for experienced engineers to improve consumer experience in China. Office has great products and features that are loved by users worldwide. We are looking for self-motivated engineers that can work in a star…
陆续更新一些最近在Automotive Security方面的资料和心得. 1. Overview 1.1. Software Engineering Process PLC-Phases: Introduction -> Concept Refinement -> Development -> Industrialization -> Product Validation -> Production Ramp-Up对应的SW-Phase: Introduction ->…
1. What is Quality? Quality means, “meeting requirements.” ..Whether or not the product or service does what the customer needs. In another word Quality is, “fit for use.” 2. Explain “Prevention” & “Detection”. ..Prevention means to prevent quality d…
http://changelog.ca/log/2013/08/09/software_engineer_title_ladder Within the software engineering profession, there is an ordered set of titles that are in usage for software engineers. I have seen these titles for software engineers at a number of c…
微软近期Open的职位: Job Title: Senior Software Engineer_HPC Location: Shanghai, China Are you passionate about the new world of cloud computing? Do you want to be a part of the effort to build the platform that embraces the most important trends in the indu…
  Software Scalability with MapReduce Craig Henderson First published online April 2010 The architecture of a software system is the structure and design of the components that work together in unison to perform the goal of the system as a whole. On…
Feature engineering is an informal topic, but one that is absolutely known and agreed to be key to success in applied machine learning. In creating this guide I went wide and deep and synthesized all of the material I could. You will discover what fe…