1294 - Positive Negative Sign PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB Given two integers: n and m and n is divisible by 2m, you have to write down the first n natural numbers in the following form. At first take f…
1294 - Positive Negative Sign PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB Given two integers: n and m and n is divisible by 2m, you have to write down the first n natural numbers in the following form. At first take f…
1.计算指定时间距今多久 var date1=new Date('2017/02/08 17:00'); //开始时间 var date2=new Date(); //当前时间 var date3=date2.getTime()-date1.getTime() //时间差的毫秒数 //计算出相差天数 var days=Math.floor(date3/(24*3600*1000)) //计算出小时数 var leave1=date3%(24*3600*1000) //计算天数后剩余的毫秒数 va…
链接: https://vjudge.net/problem/LightOJ-1294 题意: Given two integers: n and m and n is divisible by 2m, you have to write down the first n natural numbers in the following form. At first take first m integers and make their sign negative, then take nex…