Once you added a new application to INSTALLED_APPS, the database tables need to be updated, thus you need to run python manage.py syncdb. Normally the server auto-reloads code every time you modify a file, but creating a new file does not trigger the…
The first time I came across django was last month.. Since then I was considering it as the better choice of building/maintaining websites. Now I think it is its auto-gen sql and commitments of changes makes it convienient of making changes. Only 3 s…
form 也没什么可说的,我只给一个例子大家就懂了 form model from django import forms class UserForm(forms.Form): username = forms.CharField(label='UserName', max_length=100) password = forms.CharField(label='Password', max_length=20, widget=forms.PasswordInput()) views.py…
公司 web 框架用的是 django, 以前没用过,打算这两周好好看看. 边学习边整理一下笔记,加深理解. 好像谁说过初学者更适合写入门级的教程,我觉得有一定道理. 高手写的教程有一定深度,不会写入门级的教程,像 深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践 之类. 大家写的都是经典,像 SICP The c programming language 等等. 基础的东西都很好学,是必备能力.在掌握基础的同时还应该多修炼修炼内功.内外兼修,努力使自己成为更优秀的工程师.…
EXTRACTED from the Django document It's a common need to filter down the objects given in a list page by some key in the URL. Handily, the ListView has a get_queryset() method we can override. Previously, it has just been returning the value of the q…