题目很简单,代码也很短.第一遍做的时候,我居然二乎乎的把input里面的小框框忽略掉了,所以WA了一次. 每一行代表一个二进制的ASCII码,'o'代表1,空格代表0,中间的小黑点忽略. 我直接把一行字符串全读进去,如果字符串以下划线开头说明输入结束(字符串的处理从第2行开始). 然后从左到右一个字符一个字符的判断,是空格直接*2,是'o'先*2后加1,最后算出的就是对应的ASCII值. Problem ADecode the tapeTime Limit: 1 second "Machines…
这道题目甚长, 代码也是甚长, 但是思路却不是太难.然而有好多代码实现的细节, 确是十分的巧妙. 对代码阅读能力, 代码理解能力, 代码实现能力, 代码实现技巧, DFS方法都大有裨益, 敬请有兴趣者耐心细读.(也许由于博主太弱, 才有此等感觉). 题目: UVa 1103 In order to understand early civilizations, archaeologists often study texts written in ancient languages. One…
题目: A common typing error is to place the hands on the keyboard one row to the right of the correct position. So 'Q' is typed as 'W' and 'J' is typed as 'K' and so on. You are to decode a message typed in this manner. Input Input consists of several…