Chapter 5 - How to Detect the Collisions】的更多相关文章

Chapter 5 - How to Detect the Collisions Our hero can fire bullets now, but the bullets are only visual. So how can they kill their enemies? In this chapter, we will introduce Collision Detection to implement it. Firstly, it’s necessary to track the…
最近在看canvas动画方面教程,里面提到了采用四叉树检测碰撞.之前也看到过四叉树这个名词,但是一直不是很懂.于是就又找了一些四叉树方面的资料看了看,做个笔记,就算日后忘了,也可以回来看看. QuadTree四叉树顾名思义就是树状的数据结构,其每个节点有四个孩子节点,可将二维平面递归分割子区域.QuadTree常用于空间数据库索引,3D的椎体可见区域裁剪,甚至图片分析处理,我们今天介绍的是QuadTree最常被游戏领域使用到的碰撞检测.采用QuadTree算法将大大减少需要测试碰撞的次数,从而提…
操作系统:Windows8.1 显卡:Nivida GTX965M 开发工具:Unity2017.2.0f3 原文出处 : Quick Tip: Use Quadtrees to Detect Likely Collisions in 2D Space 许多游戏需要使用碰撞检测算法去判定两个对象是否发生碰撞,但是这些算法通常意味着昂贵操作,拖慢游戏的运行速度.在这篇文章中我们将会学习四叉树 quadtrees,并学习如果通过四叉树跳过那些物理空间距离比较远的对象,最终提高碰撞检测速度. 注:原文…
仅供参考,还未运行程序,理解部分有误,请参考英文原版. 绿色部分非文章内容,是个人理解. 转载请注明: Chapter 4:Exploring Structure from  Motion Using OpenCV 在这一章,我们将讨论来至运动结构(Structure from Motion,SfM)的概念,或者从一个运动的相机拍摄到的图像中更好的推测提取出来的几何结构,使用OpenCV的…
I know it well:I read it in the grammar long ago.—William Shakespeare, The Tragedy(悲剧:灾难:惨案) of Titus Andronicus This chapter introduces the grammar of the good parts of JavaScript, presenting a quick overview of how the language is structured. We wi…
Thee(你) I’ll chase(追逐:追捕) hence(因此:今后), thou(你:尔,汝) wolf in sheep’s array.—William Shakespeare, The First Part of Henry the SixthAn array is a linear(线的,线型的:直线的,线状的:长度的) allocation(分配,配置:安置) of memory in which elements are accessed by integers that a…
Why, every fault’s condemn’d ere it be done:Mine were the very cipher of a function. . .—William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure The best thing about JavaScript is its implementation of functions. It got almost everything right. But, as you should e…
MongoDB is very powerful, but it is still easy to get started with. In this chapter we’ll introduce some of the basic concepts of MongoDB: • A document is the basic unit of data for MongoDB, roughly equivalent to a row in a relational database manage…
<Hands-on ML with Sklearn & TF> Chapter 1 what is ml from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E. what problems to solve exist solution but a…
Chapter 3. Compiling for the Java Virtual Machine 内容列表 3.1. Format of Examples 3.2. Use of Constants, Local Variables, and Control Constructs 3.3. Arithmetic 3.4. Accessing the Run-Time Constant Pool 3.5. More Control Examples 3.6. Receiving Argument…