excrt板子题 #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #define ll long long #define N 100010 #define rint register int #define ll long long #define il inline using namespace std; //re int n; ll A[N],B[N…
Description Some people believe that there are three cycles in a person's life that start the day he or she is born. These three cycles are the physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles, and they have periods of lengths 23, 28, and 33 days, respec…
<题目链接> X问题 Problem Description 求在小于等于N的正整数中有多少个X满足:X mod a[0] = b[0], X mod a[1] = b[1], X mod a[2] = b[2], …, X mod a[i] = b[i], … (0 < a[i] <= 10). Input 输入数据的第一行为一个正整数T,表示有T组测试数据.每组测试数据的第一行为两个正整数N,M (0 < N <= 1000,000,000 , 0 < M…