题目描述 Farmer John's N (1 <= N <= 100,000) cows are lined up in a row and numbered 1..N. The cows are conducting another one of their strange protests, so each cow i is holding up a sign with an integer A_i (-10,000 <= A_i <= 10,000). FJ knows t…
题目描述 Farmer John's N (1 <= N <= 100,000) cows are lined up in a row and numbered 1..N. The cows are conducting another one of their strange protests, so each cow i is holding up a sign with an integer A_i (-10,000 <= A_i <= 10,000). FJ knows t…
题目描述 Farmer John's N (1 <= N <= 100,000) cows are lined up in a row and numbered 1..N. The cows are conducting another one of their strange protests, so each cow i is holding up a sign with an integer A_i (-10,000 <= A_i <= 10,000). FJ knows t…
[题解] 非常显然的DP,f[i]表示到第i个位置最多分成几组,f[i]=Max(f[i],f[j]+1) (j<i,sum[j]<=sum[i]) #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #define LL long long #define N 200010 #define rg register using namespace std; int n,m,f[N]; LL sum[N…
P1569 [USACO11FEB]属牛的抗议Generic Cow Prote- 题目描述 约翰家的N头奶牛聚集在一起,排成一列,正在进行一项抗议活动.第i头奶牛的理智度 为Ai,Ai可能是负数.约翰希望奶牛在抗议时保持理性,为此,他打算将所有的奶牛隔离成 若干个小组,每个小组内的奶牛的理智度总和都要大于等于零.由于奶牛是按直线排列的,所以 一个小组内的奶牛位置必须是连续的. 请帮助约翰计算一下,最多分成几组. 输入输出格式 输入格式: 第1行包含1个数N,代表奶牛的数目. 第2至N+1行每行…
USACO 奶牛抗议 Generic Cow Protests Description 约翰家的N头奶牛聚集在一起,排成一列,正在进行一项抗议活动.第i头奶牛的理智度 为Ai,Ai可能是负数.约翰希望奶牛在抗议时保持理性,为此,他打算将所有的奶牛隔离成 若干个小组,每个小组内的奶牛的理智度总和都要大于零.由于奶牛是按直线排列的,所以 一个小组内的奶牛位置必须是连续的. 请帮助约翰计算一下,存在多少种不同的分组的方案.由于答案可能很大,只要输出答 案除以1,000,000,009的余数即可. In…
[题解] 我们可以轻松想到朴素的状态转移方程,但直接这样做是n^2的.所以我们考虑采用树状数组优化.写法跟求逆序对很相似,即对前缀和离散化之后开一个权值树状数组,每次f[i]+=query(sum[i]),再把f[i]加入到sum[i]位置上.这样可以保证每次f[i]加上的是在它前面的.sum小于它的位置的f值. #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #define N 200010 #define rg register #define Mod…
洛谷——P2863 [USACO06JAN]牛的舞会The Cow Prom 题目描述 The N (2 <= N <= 10,000) cows are so excited: it's prom night! They are dressed in their finest gowns, complete with corsages and new shoes. They know that tonight they will each try to perform the Round D…
P2863 [USACO06JAN]牛的舞会The Cow Prom 123通过 221提交 题目提供者 洛谷OnlineJudge 标签 USACO 2006 云端 难度 普及+/提高 时空限制 1s / 128MB 题目描述 The N (2 <= N <= 10,000) cows are so excited: it's prom night! They are dressed in their finest gowns, complete with corsages and new…
2274: [Usaco2011 Feb]Generic Cow Protests Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 196  Solved: 122[Submit][Status] Description Farmer John's N (1 <= N <= 100,000) cows are lined up in a row and numbered 1..N. The cows are conducting another…