# Python's list slice syntax can be used without indices # for a few fun and useful things: # You can clear all elements from a list: >>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> del lst[:] >>> lst [] # You can replace all elements of a list #…
[python]python 遍历一个list 的小例子: mlist=["aaa","bbb","ccc"]for ss in enumerate(mlist): print ss 验证一下运行结果: In [34]: mlist=["aaa","bbb","ccc"] In [35]: for ss in enumerate(mlist): ....: print ss ....:…
语法错误 语法错误又被称解析错误 >>> for i in range(1..10):print(i) File "<stdin>", line 1 for i in range(1..10):print(i) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax 语法分析器指出错误行,并且在检测到错误的位置前面显示一个小“箭头”. 错误是由箭头 前面 的标记引起的(或者至少是这么检测的) 异常 即使一条语句或表达式在语法上是正确的,当试图执行它时也…
print(x, end=' ') instead of print(x) to escape the default line-changing-output. print(str.ljust(size)) left-alignment with given size, samely, str.rjust(size) works just fine # Can you talk about the differences between the following commands? prin…
What you have is a float literal without the trailing zero, which you then access the __truediv__method of. It's not an operator in itself; the first dot is part of the float value, and the second is the dot operator to access the objects properties…
http://zulko.github.io/blog/2013/09/19/a-basic-example-of-threads-synchronization-in-python/ We will see how to use threading Events to have functions in different Python threads start at the same time. I recently coded a method to view movies in Pyt…