//switch-control component import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, NG_VALIDATORS, Validators} from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ selector: 'switch-control', templateUrl: './switch-control.componen…
In this tutorial we are going to learn how simple it is to create custom form field driven validators while using Angular 2 model driven forms. These type of validators are really just plain functions that follow a set of conventions. We are going to…
We have a form component: <label> <h3>Type</h3> <workout-type formControlName="type" ></workout-type> </label> form = this.fb.group({ name: ['', Validators.required], type: 'strength' }); constructor( private…
http://delphi.about.com/od/windowsshellapi/a/receive-windows-messages-in-custom-delphi-class-nonwindowed-control.htm Windows messages are a key ingredient in communication between Windows and (your) applications and also in communication between (two…
我们在Winform开发的时候,使用From.Show来显示窗口,使用Form.Close来关闭窗口.熟悉Winform开发的想必对这些非常熟悉.但是Form类型实现了IDisposable接口,那我们是否需要每次关闭窗口后都去调用Dispose呢?对于这个问题我们可以查看一下Form的源码. Form.Close public void Close() { if (this.GetState(262144)) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get…
关于Form.Close跟Form.Dispose   我们在Winform开发的时候,使用From.Show来显示窗口,使用Form.Close来关闭窗口.熟悉Winform开发的想必对这些非常熟悉.但是Form类型实现了IDisposable接口,那我们是否需要每次关闭窗口后都去调用Dispose呢?对于这个问题我们可以查看一下Form的源码. Form.Close public void Close() { if (this.GetState(262144)) throw new Inva…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2tw134k3.aspx You can extend ASP.NET configuration settings with XML configuration elements of your own. To do this, you create a custom configuration section handler. The handler must be a .NET Framework clas…
One of the most important thing when building custom form component is adding accessbility support. The component should be focusable. we can achieve this by adding 'tabindex="0"': <div tabindex="0" > Add some css class for foucs…
UE4 中用于绘制自定义网格的插件CustomMeshComponent. 转载: UE4 Tutorial - Custom Mesh Component   Over the last few weeks I've been working on an old idea that I had and ended up starting from scratch. In my research I ended up finding the "Custom Mesh" componen…
我们的组件是什么呢 select distinct(id,title,price) from book ORM: model.py class Book(): title=model.CharField(max_length=32) 类名-----表名 类属性---字段 类实例对象---一行记录 单表操作: 添加: book_obj=Book.objects.create(title="python",price=123) book_obj=Book(title="pytho…