Set Matrix ZeroesGiven a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. click to show follow up. Follow up:Did you use extra space?A straight forward solution using O(mn) space is probably a bad idea.A simple im…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. click to show follow up. Follow up: Did you use extra space?A straight forward solution using O(mn) space is probably a bad idea.A simple improvement uses O…
原题地址: 题意:Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. 解题思路:分别记录两个向量x, y,保存行和列是否有0,再次遍历数组时查询对应的行和列然后修改值. 代码: class Solution: # @param matrix, a list of…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. 原题链接: 题目:给定一个m * n 的矩阵.假设有一个元素是0.将其所在行和列设为0. 思路:先记录下是0 的元素的位置.再去置0. public void setZeroes(int[][] matrix)…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. click to show follow up. Follow up: Did you use extra space?A straight forward solution using O(m n) space is probably a bad idea.A simple improvement uses…
1. Rotate List Given a list, rotate the list to the right by k places, where k is non-negative. Example: Given 1->2->3->4->5->NULL and k = 2, return 4->5->1->2->3->NULL. 思路:这题感觉有点没有说清楚,如果k大于了链表长度该怎么办呢?这个时候怎么确定旋转位置呢?从右往左数,超出数组…
Set Matrix Zeroes Total Accepted: 18139 Total Submissions: 58671My Submissions Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. click to show follow up. 题意:给定矩阵,假设矩阵的某个位置为0.则把那一行那一列的全部元素都置为0 思路:用两个bool数组,分…
Set Matrix Zeroes Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. click to show follow up. Follow up: Did you use extra space?A straight forward solution using O(mn) space is probably a bad idea.A simple…
Set Matrix Zeroes (Link: Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. click to show follow up. Follow up: Did you use extra space? A straight forwar…
1.7 Write an algorithm such that if an element in an MxN matrix is 0, its entire row and column are set to 0. LeetCode中的原题,请参见我之前的博客Set Matrix Zeroes 矩阵赋零.…
Spiral Matrix IIGiven an integer n, generate a square matrix filled with elements from 1 to n2 in spiral order. For example,Given n = 3, You should return the following matrix:[ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 8, 9, 4 ], [ 7, 6, 5 ]] SOLUTION 1: 还是与上一题Spiral Matrix类似…
题目:Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. Follow up: Did you use extra space?A straight forward solution using O(mn) space is probably a bad idea.A simple improvement uses O(m + n) space, but sti…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. 思路:不能用额外空间,就用矩阵的第一行和第一列来标记这一行或这一列是否需要置0. 用两个bool量记录第一行和第一列是否需要置0 大神的代码和我的代码都是这个思路,但是我在画0的时候是行列分开处理的,大神的代码是一起处理的 void setZeroes(vector<vector<int> > &…
一天一道LeetCode 本系列文章已全部上传至我的github,地址:ZeeCoder's Github 欢迎大家关注我的新浪微博,我的新浪微博 欢迎转载,转载请注明出处 (一)题目 Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. (二)解题 题目大意:给定一个M*N的数组,如果(i,j)为0,则将第i行第j列全部元素置为0. 这道题目意思很简单,如果考虑…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in-place. Example 1: Input: [ [1,1,1], [1,0,1], [1,1,1] ] Output: [ [1,0,1], [0,0,0], [1,0,1] ] Example 2: Input: [ [0,1,2,0], [3,4,5,2], [1,3,1,5]…
题目: Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. click to show follow up. Follow up: Did you use extra space? A straight forward solution using O(mn) space is probably a bad idea. A simple improvement…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in-place. Example 1: Input: [ [1,1,1], [1,0,1], [1,1,1] ] Output: [ [1,0,1], [0,0,0], [1,0,1] ] Example 2: Input: [ [0,1,2,0], [3,4,5,2], [1,3,1,5]…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 原地操作 新建数组 队列 日期 题目地址: 题目描述 Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in-pl…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. 解题思路: 题目乍一看很简单,将矩阵当前为0的位的行列都置为0: 问题在于:当遇到一个已知0时,不能立刻将其行列置0,因为这样会把原本不是0的位更改,导致继续遍历的时候无法区分哪些是初始0,哪些是后改0: 有一个解决方法,就是先遍历所有位,记录所有初始为0的行列坐标,遍历一遍之后,再统一做更改: 但是这个解决方…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. 解题思路: 用两个boolean数组row col表示行列是否有零即可,JAVA实现如下: public void setZeroes(int[][] matrix) { if (matrix.length == 0 || matrix[0].length == 0) return; boolean[] row…
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. Follow up: Did you use extra space?A straight forward solution using O(mn) space is probably a bad idea.A simple improvement uses O(m + n) space, but still…
给定一个m x n的矩阵,如果某个元素为0,则把该元素所在行和列全部置0. Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. 分析:最直接想到的就是遍历该矩阵,每遇到0就把它所在的行和列全部置0,但这是错的,因为这样会引入新的0到矩阵中.下一个比较容易相到的方法是:遍历矩阵,每遇到一个0元素就把它所在的行和列标记起来,最后再遍历matrix,若某元素的行或者列…
今天看到CSDN博客的勋章换了图表,同一时候也添加显示了博客等级,看起来都听清新的,感觉不错! [题目] Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place. click to show follow up. Follow up: Did you use extra space? A straight forward solution using O(mn) sp…