about appium Introduction to Appium Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS and Android platforms.//测试移动端应用,包括安卓和苹果平台的原生.移动web.混合应用. Native apps are those written using the iOS or Android SDKs.…
appium环境搭建了,当然也要开始用起来了,记录一下学习的过程 遇到问题 1.The permission to start '.ui.home.view.HomeActivity' activity has been denied.Make sure the activity/package names are correct. 解决办法1:可能是以为没有拿到真正的启动activty a.手机运行着app b.进入adb shell模式,输入命令:dumpsys activity activ…