插件需求(上cordova官网下载): com.lampa.startapp cordova-plugin-appavailability cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 代码: 对于iOS和android平台的判断 var u = navigator.userAgent; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if(!!u.match(/\(i[^;]+;( U;)? CPU.+Mac OS X/)){//如果是ios…
#coding:utf-8 #Import the common package import os import unittest from appium import webdriver from time import sleep #设置路径信息 PATH = lambda p: os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), p) ) class LoginAndroidTests(unittest.TestCase):…
在安装app时弹出如下图报错. 官网解释:Genymotion模拟器使用的是x86架构,在第三方市场上的应用有部分不采用x86这么一种架构,所以在编译的时候不通过,报“APP not installed”,可以下载Genymotion提供的ARM转换工具包,将应用市场中的ARM架构的apk转换成Genymotion可以编译的x86架构: An error occured while deploying the file. This probably means that the app cont…
1. cordova插件 1)查看所有已安装的安卓app https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-packagemanager A simple plugin that will return a list of installed applications or all on your smartphone. Retuen uid, dataDir and packageName. function successCallback(e) { a…