CodeForces:#448 div2 B. XK Segments】的更多相关文章

传送门: B. XK Segments time limit per test1 second memory limit per test256 megabytes Problem Description While Vasya finished eating his piece of pizza, the lesson has already started. For being late for the l…
传送门: A. Pizza Separation time limit per test1 second memory limit per test256 megabytes Problem Description Students Vasya and Petya are studying at the BSU (Byteland State University). At one of the breaks…
B. XK Segments time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output While Vasya finished eating his piece of pizza, the lesson has already started. For being late for the lesson, the teacher sug…
codeforces 895B XK Segments 题目大意: 寻找符合要求的\((i,j)\)对,有:\[a_i \le a_j \] 同时存在\(k\),且\(k\)能够被\(x\)整除,\(k\)满足:\[a_i \le k \le a_j\] 思路: 整体数组排序,对于当前\(a_i\)寻找符合条件的\(a_j\)的最大值和最小值 有:\[(a_i-1)/x+k=a_j/x\] 所以可以通过二分查找获得,这里我寻找\(((a_i-1)/x+k)*x\)为下界,\(((a_i-1)/x…
#448 Div2 E 题意 给出一个数组,有两种类型操作: 选定不相交的两个区间,分别随机挑选一个数,交换位置. 查询区间和的期望. 分析 线段树区间更新区间求和. 既然是涉及到两个区间,那么对于第一个区间而言,它的和的期望由两部分组成:它剩下的数的和的期望,从第二个区间换过来的数的和的期望.第二个区间同理. 可以用两个数组分别(间接)维护这两部分的值(类似于线段树中常见的 lazy 数组). code #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;…
B. XK Segments time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output While Vasya finished eating his piece of pizza, the lesson has already started. For being late for the lesson, the teacher sug…
Codeforces Round #539 div2 abstract I 离散化三连 sort(pos.begin(), pos.end()); pos.erase(unique(pos.begin(), pos.end()), pos.end());if (pos.size() == 0) pos.push_back(0);int id = lower_bound (pos.begin(), pos.end(), q[i].time) - pos.begin(); II java输入输出带模…
被B的0的情况从头卡到尾.导致没看C,心情炸裂又掉分了. A. Pizza Separation time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Students Vasya and Petya are studying at the BSU (Byteland State University). At one of the…
[第3站]Codeforces Round #512 Div2 第三题莫名卡半天……一堆细节没处理,改一个发现还有一个……然后就炸了,罚了一啪啦时间 Rating又掉了……但是没什么,比上一次好多了:) +传送门+ ◇ 简单总结 前两道题非常OK,秒掉还好.心态爆炸是从第三题开始的……一开始设计的判断方法没有考虑0,然后就错了很多次,然后改了过后又没有考虑整个数要分成2个及以上的数,继续WA,最后整个程序删了重新魔改了一次终于AC.感觉最后的AC代码的复杂度要比原来高一些,但是毕竟AC了,还是不…
题目链接 Codeforces Round #448 C. Square Subsets 题解 质因数 *质因数 = 平方数,问题转化成求异或方程组解的个数 求出答案就是\(2^{自由元-1}\) ,高消求一下矩阵的秩,完了 或者 由于数很小, 我们只需要对于每个数的质因数装压 对这组数求线性基,n - 线性基中的数就是自由元个数 代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read() { int x = 0,f =…