5 Ways to Make Your Hive Queries Run Faster Technique #1: Use Tez Hive can use the Apache Tez execution engine instead of the venerable Map-reduce engine. I won’t go into details about the many benefits of using Tez which are mentioned here; instead…
Short Description: Hive configuration settings to optimize your HiveQL when querying ORC formatted tables. Article SYNOPSIS The Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) file is a columnar storage format for Hive. Specific Hive configuration settings for ORC form…
5 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR HIVE QUERIES RUN FASTER 今天看了一篇[文章] (http://zh.hortonworks.com/blog/5-ways-make-hive-queries-run-faster/),讲述了优化Hive的5个建议.其中每个建议细说的话,都可以写一篇或者多篇文章.下面简要记录下,后续慢慢补充: 1: USE TEZ Tez 是一个开源的支持DAG作业的计算框架,它来源于MapReduce框架.可以通过设置 set hive.exec…
Reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/felixmar/archive/2011/02/14/partitioning-amp-archiving-tables-in-sql-server-part-1-the-basics.aspx Database partitioning is a feature available in SQL Server(version 2005 and Up) which lets you split a table among m…
Writing GenericUDAFs: A Tutorial User-Defined Aggregation Functions (UDAFs) are an excellent way to integrate advanced data-processing into Hive. Hive allows two varieties of UDAFs: simple and generic. Simple UDAFs, as the name implies, are rather si…
GettingStarted 开始 Created by Confluence Administrator, last modified by Lefty Leverenz on Jun 15, 2017 本文档由Confluence管理员创建,2017年6月15日由Lefty Leverenz最后做的修改. Table of Contents 表格内容包含 Installation and Configuration 安装和配置 Running HiveServer2 and Beeli…