这几天重装系统,装了win10,居然用vs2013打开项目出现下面这个提示错误,搞了很久才知道原因: Even though I am an administrator on the machine, Visual Studio is not running as administrator so it does not have permission to the IIS metabase files.  One solution is to run Visual Studio as admi…
Web.config Transformation Syntax for Web Application Project Deployment Other Versions   Updated: May 2011 Web.config files typically include settings that have to be different depending on which environment the application is running in. For example…
Introduction One of the really cool features that are integrated with Visual Studio 2010 is Web.Config (XDT) transformations. ASP.NET Web.Config transformations are a great way to manage configurations in several environments. We can easily change a…
出现以下错误时,我找了很多方法,都未解决,网上有很多,最后我实在无奈,怀疑会不会是Tomcat的原因,更换了一个版本之后就好了.The web application [ ] registered the JDBC driver [net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC…
idea项目启动报如下错误, 网上的方法都试了都没用, 一直没解决, 干掉项目, 重新从svn检出就好了...坑 啊 Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed ms 九月 , :: 上午 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext startInternal 严重: Error filterStart 九月 , :: 上午 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardCon…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa983445(v=vs.100).aspx The Web tab of the project Properties page enables you to specify start behavior, server settings, and debugging properties for Web pages. Using this tab, you can specify how Visual Stu…
原文:http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/deployer-howto.html Introduction(介绍) Deployment is the term used for the process of installing a web application (either a 3rd party WAR or your own custom web application) into the Tomcat server. [“部署”是用来表示…
最近重构一个内部的平台系统,作为一个平台,其下有几个子系统,每个子系统有自己的网站系统.而每个网站使用的是统一的风格,统一的验证机制,反馈系统,等等.所以,为了避免几个子系统中重复出现相同的资源或文件,我打算将以前的ASP.NET Web Site全部转换为ASP.NET Web Application,然后通过链接外部公共文件的方式解决这个问题.同时: 1. Web Application是Web Site的升级产品.2. Web Application允许添加链接方式,把其他目录的文件作为链…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa983454(v=vs.100).aspx ASP.NET Web application projects share the configuration settings and behavior that are used for standard Visual Studio 2010 class-library projects. In addition, the Web tab of the project pr…
Scenario Web Application Project Web Site Project 项目定义 跟 Visual Studio .NET 2003 类似,由于项目文件的存在,只有被项目文件所引用的文件才会在Solution Explorer中出现.而且只有这些文件才会被编译.可以很容易的把一个ASP.NET应用拆分成多个Visual Studio项目.可以很容易的从项目中和源代码管理中排除一个文件. 一个目录结构就是一个WEB项目.没有项目文件存在.这个目录下的所有文件,都被作为项…