public function field() { return $this->belongsTo(HrmAuthFieldsModel::class, 'filed_id', 'id'); } public function children() { return $this->hasMany(HrmAuthFuncFieldsModel::class, 'father_id'); } public function getIsEmptyAttribute() { if (count($th…
我们来生成第一个模型 php artisan make:model Article #输出 Model created successfully. Created Migration: 2015_03_28_062517_create_articles_table 查看一下生成的文件 app/Article.php <?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Article extends Model {…
routes.php文件创建路由参数由{}包起来,不需要$ Route::get('/stu/{as}','StuController@show'); 在相对应的Controller创建funciton public function show($asd){//实现方法的参数需要$ //查询Stu这个model类可以用find带上参数 //不能忘记引入相对应的model use App\Stu; $res=Stu::all()->find($asd); return view('stu/stu'…
本文转自: if you are a starter or learner laravel then you have in mind how to check where null or where not null condition using laravel eloquent model when you are…
Many to many Polymorphic relationship is also a little bit complicated to understand. For example, if you have posts, videos, and tag tables, you require to connect with each other with your requirement like every post have multiple tags and same for…
laravel框架model类查询实现: User::where(['uid'=8])->get(); User类继承自Model类:Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model 当User类静态调用where方法时,自动调用了Model里的魔术方法: public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters) { $instance = new static; //这里的$instance就是User类的实例对…
Laravel 6 Tutorial & New Features - Build a CRM [PART 1] Laravel 6 REST API CRUD Tutorial - Build a CRM [PART 2]: Eloquent Models and Relationships Laravel 6 Tutorial: Build your First CRUD App with Laravel, Bootstrap 4 and MySQL Laravel 6 Ajax CRUD…
Spring Boot 入门 Spring Boot 简介 > 简化Spring应用开发的一个框架:> 整个Spring技术栈的一个大整合:> J2EE开发的一站式解决方案: 微服务 2014,martin fowler 微服务:架构风格(服务微化) 一个应用应该是一组小型服务:可以通过HTTP的方式进行互通: 单体应用:ALL IN ONE 微服务:每一个功能元素最终都是一个可独立替换和独立升级的软件单元: [详细参照微服务文档](…