Human Motion Analysis with Wearable Inertial Sensors——阅读 博主认为对于做室内定位和导航的人这是一篇很很棒的文章,不是他的技术很牛,而是这是一篇医学博士的论文.上帝带你从另一角度去看事物,你会看到更多美好.为了避免全文阅读的困境让人乏味.博主将文章一些有意思的东西在这里分享给大家. 人体运动分析这个已经在多领域熟知的东西却并不被室内定位的研究人员重视,原因很多.其牵涉的应用领域太多了,例如游戏影视的制作.运动训练.健康状况诊断等.人口老龄化是…
计算机视觉和机器学习领域 近两年部分综述文章,欢迎推荐其他的文章,不定期更新. [2015] [1]. E.Sariyanidi, H. Gunes, A. Cavallaro, Automatic Analysisof Facial Affect: A Survey of Registration, Representation, and Recognition,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE… MaLoc: a practical magnetic fingerprinting approach to indoor localization using smartphones However, tracking the location of a mobile user requiresfrequent Wi-Fi scanning which is quite power hungry. This approach is ba… Aided Inertial Navigation: Unified Feature Representations and Observability Analysis Yulin Yang,Guoquan Huang 辅助惯性导航:统一的特征表示和可观察性分析 Extending our recent work [1] that focuses on the observabili…
Contents目录 Chapter 0: Introduction to the companion book本辅导书简介 Chapter 1: Introduction 简介 Viewing an image: image_view_demo 查看一张图像:image_view_demo Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties Displaying a coarse binary image: coarse_pixel…