通过本地yum源安装软件报错 [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 56 - "Failure when receiving data from the peer" Trying other mirror. 发现是/etc/yum.conf的proxy打开了,关闭即可…
http://people.centos.org/hughesjr/chromium/6/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"Trying other mirror.Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: ch…
RHEL6.5创建本地Yum源后,发现不可用,报错如下: [root@namenode1 html]# yum install gcc Loaded plugins: product-id, refresh-packagekit, security, subscription-manager This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to r…
今天是要yum命令安装EPEL仓库后 yum install epel-release 突然发现yum安装其他的软件出错. 错误:[Errno 14] problem making ssl connection Trying other mirror.Trying other mirrorError: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: xxxx. Please verify its path and…
failed to connect to server , error message is:No route to host 转自:http://blog.csdn.net/miaohongyu1/article/details/11472469 https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/8cdccae946963f315413cdef.html Connect error: No route to host(errno:113) 连接错误解决办法--关闭iptabl…
解决Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' tomcat连接mysql,大概是c3p0配置和mysql配置都有问题,导致了内存溢出,几天后,mysql出现如下错误: ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) 网上查了一下,说是mysql没有正常启动,启动失败一般是my.ini文件出错了 一.停止服务 二.删除my.ini文件(记得备份此文件,有些配置需要)…
Action.c(4): Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "": [10060] Connection timed out (1) 在负载生成器的注册表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/Parameters里,有如下两个键值: TcpTimedWaitDelay和MaxUserPort 1,这里的TcpTimedWai…
(2012-10-23 01:23:17) 转载▼ Action.c(58): Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "www.baidu.com:80": [10048] Address already in use Try changing the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\tcpip\Parameters\TcpTimed…
遇到了这样的错误: Error:Connection timed out: connect. If you are behind an HTTP proxy, please configure the proxy settings either in IDE or Gradle 错误发生在构建Gradle的过程中正在下载gradle.zip文件的时候,估计应该是访问地址被墙了,而下载不了该文件.于是小编在网上搜索了各种办法,最后总结出以下有效的解决方案. 1.手动下载gradle.zip文件 打…
如果出现Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "ip地址": [10060] Connection timed out 这样的错误,如下图所示 则解决办法一是: (1)1. 修改run time setting中的请求超时时间Preferences 中点击Options 其中有三项的参数可以一次都修改了,HTTP-request connect timeout,HTTP-request receieve timeout,Step down…