Webview的几个关键方法要介绍一些: 谷歌官方文档是这么说的; A WebView has several customization points where you can add your own behavior. These are: Creating and setting a WebChromeClient subclass. This class is called when something that might impact a browser UI happens,…
python3 不换行打印,多用于进度条 process bar process = 0 # process bar for i in user: process += 1 print("\rProcess: %f " % (process/len(user)), end='') process_code() 更多样式: print('\r loading... %.2f %%' % (process/len(user)*100), end='') python2: 对于py2来讲,主…
Python3 中打印进度条(#)信息: 代码: import sys,time for i in range(50): sys.stdout.write("#") sys.stdout.flush() ##随时刷新到屏幕上 time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep定义每隔0.1s将信息打印到屏幕上,打印50个# 高级版本: import time import sys for i in range(101): sys.stdout.write('\r') sys.stdo…