1. using 关键字 使用 using 关键字,可以将父类中被隐藏的函数暴露在子类中,但是需要注意的是,在相同情况下,子类函数的优先级更高. 2.  继承构造函数(C++11) 在c++11之前,构造函数.析构函数.赋值操作符,这些都不能被继承.但是,C++11允许我们使用 using 关键字来继承基类的构造函数. 示例1 示例2 3. 重写方法时的特殊情况 1) static 超类方法 在C++中,无法重写静态方法,因为方法不可能既是静态的又是虚的.如果子类中存在的静态方法与超类中的静态方…
如果安装了macport 就不能安装homebrew ,必须先卸载macport $ sudo port -f uninstall installed$ sudo rm -rf \/opt/local \/Applications/DarwinPorts \/Applications/MacPorts \/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \/Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg \/Library/Receipts/MacP…
When you want to make an object binding-aware you have two choices : implements INotifyPropertyChanged or creates DependencyProperties. Which one is the best ? Let's try to answer this question !How to implement INotifyPropertyChangedDeclaring that y…
http://www.ush.it/2009/02/08/php-filesystem-attack-vectors/ On Apr 07, 2008 I spoke with Kuza55 and Wisec about an attack I found some time before that was a new attack vector for filesystem functions (fopen, (include|require)[_once]?, file_(put|get)…
什么是面向协议的编程? 面向协议的编程,是一种编程范式. 编程范式,是一个计算机科学用语.维基百科中的解释是,计算机编程的基本风格或典型模式.通俗来说,就是解决某一个问题的方法不同方法和思路. 像大家很熟悉的,面向对象编程以及面向过程编程,都是一种编程范式. 面向过程编程,关心的焦点是解决某一个问题需要多少步.而面向对象的编程关心的是解决问题需要多少个对象,以及这些对象之间的组织联系. 解释完了编程范式这个名字含义之后,我们继续回到正题上来. 既然面向协议编程,与面向对象,面向过程一样,是一种编…
主要目标是提供抽象能力和解决值类型的多态问题 Actually, Abrahams says, those are all attributes of types, and classes are just one way of implementing a type. Yet, they exact a heavy toll on programmers in that they may cause: Implicit sharing, such that if two objects ref…
Since Spring Security is an Open Source project, we’d strongly encourage you to check out the source code using git. This will give you full access to all the sample applications and you can build the most up to date version of the project easily. Ha…
As I mentioned earlier, solutions that rely on User-Agent sniffing may break, when a new browser or a new version of an existing browser is released. Unfortunately because ASP.NET also contains browser-specific code, the new Internet Explorer 11 may…
题目链接:CF #365 (Div. 2) D - Mishka and Interesting sum 题意:给出n个数和m个询问,(1 ≤ n, m ≤ 1 000 000) ,问在每个区间里所有出现偶数次的数异或的值. 思路:容易想到,把区间内的所有的数都异或得到的是出现奇数次的数的值,然后再异或该区间内的所有出现过的数(每个数只统计一次),得到的ans了. 第一个问题:得到询问区间的所有数的异或值,由 a[1~r] ^ a[0~(l-1)] = a[l~r] 可以用数组all_xor[i…
In this chapter I present classes to represent playing cards, decks of cards, and poker hands.If you don't play poker, you can read about it at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poker, but you don’t have to; I’ll tell you what you need to know for the exe…
Interesting drink 题目链接: http://codeforces.com/contest/706/problem/B Description Vasiliy likes to rest after a hard work, so you may often meet him in some bar nearby. As all programmers do, he loves the famous drink "Beecola", which can be bough…
转自http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/132084/sponsored_feature_common_.php?print=1 By Becky Heineman [In this technical article, part of Microsoft's XNA-related Gamasutra microsite, XNA Developer Connection staffer and Interplay co-founder Becky He…
说明:本文在个人博客地址为edwardesire.com,欢迎前来品尝. 在决策树项目中,使用到了bcrypt依赖包来加密文件.在wini8(win7)部署安装这个依赖的时候容易出现出现了问题. 解决方法:安装Visual Studio 2012 Express或以上版本 这个一般是当报错出现了c++..cc.msbuild.找不到Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props之类的错误,一般都归于系统的MVSC的问题,我们需要安装c++的环境. 进入微软官网下载来安装Visual St…
https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp Awesome C/C++ A curated list of awesome C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Awesome C/C++ Standard Libraries Frameworks Artificial Intelligence Asynchronous E…
REF: 原文 Recommender Systems: Issues, Challenges, and Research Opportunities Shah Khusro, Zafar Ali and Irfan Ullah Abstract A recommender system is an Information Retrieval technology that improves access and proactively recommends relevant items to…
很多时候,我们是基于python进行模型的设计和运行,可是基于python本身的速度问题,使得原生态python代码无法满足生产需求,不过我们可以借助其他编程语言来缓解python开发的性能瓶颈.这里简单介绍个例子,以此完成如何先基于cuda编写瓶颈函数,然后在将接口通过cpp进行封装,最后以库的形式被python调用. 1 cpp+python 首先,介绍下如何python调用cpp的代码.这里极力推荐pybind11.因为pybind11是一个轻量级,只包含头文件的库,他可以在C++中调用p…
Memory Layout for Multiple and Virtual Inheritance(By Edsko de Vries, January 2006)Warning. This article is rather technical and assumes a good knowledge of C++ and some assembly language.In this article we explain the object layout implemented by gc…
LAST UPDATE:     1 Dec 15, 2016 APPLIES TO:     1 2 3 4 Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later Oracle Database - Personal Edition - Version and later I…
<Item 36> Never redefine an inherited non-virtual function 1.如下代码通过不同指针调用同一个对象的同一个函数会产生不同的行为The reason for this two-faced behavior is that non-virtual functions like B::mf and D::mf are statically bound (see Item 37). That means that because pB is d…
原文:http://kate-butenko.blogspot.tw/2012/07/investigating-issues-with-unmanaged.html I want to write this blogpost really fast, until I forget everything, despite I have absolutely no time and need to work on other cases :( Let's count this as part of…
以下三篇文章是Entity Framework Code-First系列中第七回:Entity Framework Code-First(7):Inheritance Strategy 提到的三篇.这三篇文章写的时间有点久远,还是在2010年,提到EF应该在4.1版本之前,使用的还是ObjectContext而不是现在的DbContext,内容供参考 -------------------------------------------------------------------------…
caffe源代码分析--softmax_layer.cpp // Copyright 2013 Yangqing Jia // #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include "caffe/layer.hpp" #include "caffe/vision_layers.hpp" #include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp" using s…
最近在查调试相关资料的时候,无意看到Tess的一篇关于如何快速分析复合场景问题的博文,感觉很实用,Mark备忘. My 9 questions for a pretty thorough problem description When I call up a customer to start working on an issue I am generally looking for them to answer 9 questions in their own words. 1. What…
前段时间Cocos2d-x更新了一个Cocos引擎,这是一个集合源码,IDE,Studio这一家老小的整合包,我们可以使用这个Cocos引擎来创建我们的项目. 在Cocos2d-x被整合到Cocos引擎之前,我们可以不那么方便地在我们创建的工程里调试Cocos2d-x的代码,当我们使用了整合后的Cocos引擎,调试Cocos2d-x的代码就变得更加,非常不方便了! 使用Cocos2d-x创建的项目,在最先的版本必须是在Cocos2d-x引擎的目录下,放到其他的位置需要进行各种麻烦的设置,诸如头文…
坏味道--平行继承体系(Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies) 平行继承体系(Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies) 其实是 霰弹式修改(Shotgun Surgery) 的特殊情况. 特征 每当你为某个类添加一个子类,必须同时为另一个类相应添加一个子类.这种情况的典型特征是:某个继承体系的类名前缀或类名后缀完全相同. 问题原因 起初的继承体系很小,随着不断添加新类,继承体系越来越大,也越来越难修改. 解决方法 一般策略是:让一个继承体系的…
在每一个Json Cpp自带*.cpp文件头加上: #include "stdafx.h" 将Json Cpp对自带的头文件的引用修改为单引号方式,例如json_reader.cpp原始代码为: #include <json/reader.h> #include <json/value.h> #include <utility> #include <cstdio> #include <cassert> #include <…
在用cpp调用python时, 出现致命错误: no module named site  ,  原因解释器在搜索路径下没有找到python库.可以在调用Py_Initialize前,调用 Py_SetPythonHome(python_install_path) 添加搜索路径, 或者添加PYTHONPATH环境变量.…
参考:http://github.tiankonguse.com/blog/2015/01/19/cgi-nginx-three/ 跟着做了一遍,然后根据记忆写的,不清楚有没错漏步骤,希望多多评论多多交流... 搭建环境 注意发现碰钉可以看看相应程序内的README 安装:nginx.spawn-fcgi.fastcgi.fcgiwrap nginx sudo apt-get install nginx-full fastcgi 安装fastcgi的时候报EOF错误可以在include/fcgi…
该文件是APM的主文件. #define SCHED_TASK(func, rate_hz, max_time_micros) SCHED_TASK_CLASS(Copter, &copter, func, rate_hz, max_time_micros) /* scheduler table for fast CPUs - all regular tasks apart from the fast_loop() should be listed here, along with how of…
APM程序分析 主程序在ArduCopter.cpp的loop()函数. /// advance_wp_target_along_track - move target location along track from origin to destination 设起始点O,目标点D,飞机所在当前点C,OC在OD上的投影为OH.该函数完成沿航迹更新中间目标点.航迹指的是OD.切记,中间目标点都是在OD线段上的.函数0.01s执行一次,即M点0.01s更新一次,两个中间目标点的距离是_limit…