原文 <三国演义>(The Romance of the ThreeKingdoms)是中国一部著名的历史小说,写于十四世纪.这部文学作品以三国时期的历史为背景,描写了从公元二世纪下半叶到公元三世纪下半叶的魏.蜀.吴三国之间的战争.小说中刻画了近千个人物和无数的历史事件.这些人物和事件虽然大都基于真实的历史,但都不同程度地被浪漫化和戏剧化了.<三国演义>是一部公认的文学杰作.自面世以来,这部小说不断吸引着代又一代的读者,并且对中国文化产生了广泛而持久的影响. 翻译 The Roma…
The Noise Channel Model \(p(e)\): the language Model \(p(f|e)\): the translation model where, \(e\): English language; \(f\): French Language. 由法语翻译成英语的概率: \[p(e|f)=\frac{p(e,f)}{p(f)}=\frac{p(e)p(f|e)}{\sum_e{p(e)p(f|e)}}\] \[arg\max_e p(e|f)=arg\ma…
Datatypes translation between Oracle and SQL Server part 1: character, binary strings Datatypes translation is one of the most important things you need to consider when migrate your application from one database to the other. This is an article in t…
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE NINTH EDITION In principle, then, every virtual memory reference can cause two physical mem-ory accesses: one to fetch the appropriate page table entry, and one to fetch the desired dat…