When you work in a team, different developers will use different configuration keys in theirapplication.conf. For example, the log level, some database configuration… This generally leads to recurrent conflicts when you commit the file using your VCS…
Virtual Environments ensure that dependencies from one Python application don’t overwrite the dependencies of another application. In this lesson, you will learn how to create a virtual environment, switch between virtual environments, and manage dep…
Learn how Immutable.js data structures are different from native iterable Javascript data types and why they provide an excellent foundation on which to build your application's state. Instead of them being mutable, they're always immutable, meaning…
We’ll create a Router component that will wrap our application and manage all URL related state. We’ll see how we can use React’s built in context mechanism to pass data and functions between components without having to pass props all the way down t…
Here some simple tips to optimize your application for production. Configure your application.conf First off, the best way to specify production mode is to give a specific ID to your production framework. Let’s pick production as an example. Refer ma…
Creating automatic test suites for your application is a good way to make it robust. It allows you to work in a very agile way. Play tests are built using JUnit 4 or Selenium depending what you want to test. Writing tests The tests must be created in…
Spring Boot Reference Guide Authors Phillip Webb, Dave Syer, Josh Long, Stéphane Nicoll, Rob Winch, Andy Wilkinson, Marcel Overdijk, Christian Dupuis, Sébastien Deleuze, Michael Simons, VedranPavić, Jay Bryant 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT Copyright © 2012-20…
本文来自于springboot官方文档 地址:https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/ Spring Boot参考指南 作者 菲利普· 韦伯,戴夫 Syer,约什 长,斯特凡 尼科尔,罗布 绞车,安迪· 威尔金森,马塞尔 Overdijk,基督教 杜普伊斯,塞巴斯蒂安· 德勒兹,迈克尔· 西蒙斯,韦德兰Pavić 2.0.0.M3 版权所有©2012-2017 本文件的副本可供您自己使用和分发给他人,前提是您不…
Play applications can be deployed virtually anywhere: inside Servlet containers, as standalone servers, in Google Application Engine, Stack, a Cloud, etc... Standalone Play applications The simplest and the more robust way is to simply run your Play…
The Play logger is built on Log4j. Since most Java libraries use Log4j or a wrapper able to use Log4j as a backend, you can easily configure logging that is well-suited to your application. Logging from your application Play provides a default logger…