Prism Sample 21-PassingParameters】的更多相关文章

Prism(棱镜) 是一个全新的 Android 动态主题切换框架,虽然是头一次发布,但它所具备的基础功能已经足够强大了!本文介绍了 Prism 的各种用法,希望对你会有所帮助,你也可以对它进行扩展,来满足开发需求. 先说一下 Prism 的诞生背景.其实我没打算一上来就写个框架出来,当时在给 Styling Android 博客写一些使用 ViewPager 来实现 UI 动态着色的系列文章,文中用到的代码被我重构成适合讲解用的组件,然后我发现这些代码可以整理成一个简洁的 API,于是乎便有了…
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0.parallelize 2.mapValues 3.flatMap 4.mapPartitions 5.mapPartitionsWithIndex 6.filter 7.reduce 8.reduceByKey 9.groupBy 10.groupByKey 11.partitionBy 12.foreach 13.foreachPartition 14.count 15.collect 16.saveAsTextFile 17.combineByKey 18.persist…
5down votefavorite   I am using Prism 4 with MEF Extensions and the MVVM pattern. During initialization in a module I call RegisterViewWithRegion(RegionNames.MyRegion, typeof(MyView)) which works perfectly when the view is constructed like this: [Exp…
Here I will list some parameters which people use very ofen, I will attach the output of the command with one parameters as well. 1.   Create a new user:useradd Parameter:                                                                               …
本文转自: Here is very simple code to create widget in nopcommerce First you can download nopcommerce version 3.70 in here Seconds you s…
FFMpeg ver 20160219-git-98a0053 滤镜中英文对照 2016.02.21 by 1CM T.. = Timeline support 支持时间轴 .S. = Slice threading 分段线程 ..C = Command support 支持命令传送 A = Audio input/output 音频 输入/输出 V = Video input/output 视频 输入/输出 N = Dynamic number and/or type of input/out… n this article, we are going to show you how to implement file download functionality in a Spring MVC application. The solution is similar to the one descri…
大概是这学期开学没多久吧,4月份的时候,为了学习javaEE,装了Tomcat.过了这么久早就忘记用户名和密码了,所以无法进入Tomcat的管理界面.百度(其实我也很想用google)了一堆,几乎都是修改用户配置文件,可能是版本的差异,对于我这个版本都没有太大用处.其实只要按照tomcat的提示一步步去做就可以解决,前提是英语基础要好,其实技术文章比文学作品和四级考试好懂多了,语言很直白,从来不拐弯抹角. 下面是解决这个问题的步骤:  一.找到Tomcat配置文件的位置,修改tomcat-use…
目录 . 引言 . LRK5 Rootkit . knark Rootkit . Suckit(super user control kit) . adore-ng . WNPS . Sample Rootkit for Linux . suterusu . Rootkit Defense Tools . Linux Rootkit Scanner: kjackal 1. 引言 This paper attempts to analyze the characteristics from the…