一. Innobackupex恢复原理 After creating a backup, the data is not ready to be restored. There might be uncommitted transactions to be undone or transactions in the logs to be replayed. Doing those pending operations will make the data files consistent…
一. Innobackupex恢复原理 After creating a backup, the data is not ready to be restored. There might be uncommitted transactions to be undone or transactions in the logs to be replayed. Doing those pending operations will make the data files consistent…
对于MySQL数据库的热备,xtrabackup是大多数DBA朋友们的选择.xtrabackup内嵌了一个innobackupex可用于热备MySQL数据库.本文描写叙述了基于innobackupex这个工具全备下的恢复并给出演示供大家參考. 有关Innobackupex的全备可參考:Innobackupex 全备数据库 1.Innobackupex恢复原理 After creating a backup, the data is not ready to be restored. The…
实验5: IOS的升级与恢复 实验目的 通过本实验可以掌握 1) 掌握IOS 正常的情况下升级IOS2) IOS 丢失的情况下使用TFTP恢复IOS3) IOS 丢失的情况下使用Xmodem恢复IOS 拓扑结构 实验步骤 n IOS 正常的情况下升级IOS (TFTP) Router#conf t //进入配置模式Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z…
实验:基于cancel的不全然恢复 实验环境查看 lsnrctl status select open_mode from v$database; --监听与数据库状态 show parameter recovery; select flashback_on from v$database; archive log list; --闪回与归档的配置 1)准备环境:RMAN全库备份 RMAN> backup as compressed backupset full database; …
http://dbarobin.com/2015/09/15/migration-of-mysql-on-different-scenes/ MySQL 迁移方案概览 MySQL 迁移无非是围绕着数据做工作,再继续延伸,无非就是在保证业务平稳持续地运行的前提下做备份恢复.那问题就在怎么快速安全地进行备份恢复. 一方面,备份.针对每个主节点的从节点或者备节点,都有备份.这个备份可能是全备,可能是增量备份.在线备份的方法,可能是使用 mysqldump,可能是 xtrabackup,还可能是 myd…