题意:给定 n    求解   ? 思路: , 令  , 那么 , 得: 得转移矩阵: 但是上面求出来的并不是结果,并不是整数.需要加上, 由于 所以结果为 #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep0…
Problem of Precision Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1375    Accepted Submission(s): 826 Problem Description Input The first line of input gives the number of cases, T. T test ca…
题目要求求出(√2+√3)2n的整数部分再mod 1024. (√2+√3)2n=(5+2√6)n 如果直接计算,用double存值,当n很大的时候,精度损失会变大,无法得到想要的结果. 我们发现(5+2√6)n+(5-2√6)n是一个整数(2√6的偶数次幂总会正负抵消掉),并且(5-2√6)n是小于1的.所以我们就只需要求出Sn-1即可.令 An=(5+2√6)n;  Bn=(5-2√6)n. Sn=An+Bn     Sn为整数. Sn*((5+2√6)+(5-2√6))=Sn*10 Sn*…
链接:传送门 题意:求式子的值,并向下取整 思路: 然后使用矩阵快速幂进行求解 balabala:这道题主要是怎么将目标公式进行化简,化简到一个可以使用现有知识进行解决的一个过程!菜的扣脚...... 还是蒟蒻 /************************************************************************* > File Name: hdu2256.cpp > Author: WArobot > Blog: http://www.cnb…
点击打开hdu 2256 思路: 矩阵快速幂 分析: 1 题目要求的是(sqrt(2)+sqrt(3))^2n %1024向下取整的值 3 这里很多人会直接认为结果等于(an+bn*sqrt(6))%1024,但是这种结果是错的,因为这边涉及到了double,必然会有误差,所以根double有关的取模都是错误的思路 代码: /************************************************ * By: chenguolin * * Date: 2013-08-23…
[解题思路] 给一张神图,推理写的灰常明白了,关键是构造共轭函数,这一点实在是要有数学知识的理论基础,推出了递推式,接下来就是矩阵的快速幂了. 神图: 给个大神的链接:构造类斐波那契数列的矩阵快速幂 /* * Problem: HDU No.4565 * Running time: 62MS * Complier: G++ * Author: javaherongwei * Create Time: 9:55 2015/9/21 星期一 */ #include <bits/stdc++.h>…
Recursive sequence Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 249    Accepted Submission(s): 140 Problem Description Farmer John likes to play mathematics games with his N cows. Recently, t…
题目链接 : Problem Description Little Q wants to buy a necklace for his girlfriend. Necklaces are single strings composed of multiple red and blue beads. Little Q desperately wants to impress his girlfriend,…
题目链接 Problem Description Function Fx,ysatisfies: For given integers N and M,calculate Fm,1 modulo 1e9+7. Input There is one integer T in the first line. The next T lines,each line includes two integers N and M . 1<=T<=10000,1<=N,M<2^63. Output…
Mathematician QSC Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Problem Description QSC dream of becoming a mathematician, he believes that everything in this world has a mathematical law. Through unremitting e…