Error: Checksum mismatch.】的更多相关文章

参考: 用5.7版本启动原5.5实例后,再用5.5启动出现以下报错 InnoDB: Error: checksum mismatch in data file /data/mysql/ibdata1 :: InnoDB: Could not open or create data files. :: InnoDB: If you tried to add new data files, and it failed here…
bogon:bin macname$ brew install go ==> Downloading Already downloaded: /Users/macname/Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-.leopard_64.bottle.tar.gz Erro…
在运行系统的时候出现错误: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'flywayInitializer' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/flyway/FlywayAutoConfiguration$FlywayConfiguration.class]:… This solution was the only one that worked for me: See what was the revision number of the last change on the file: git svn log chrome/test/functional/ Reset…
在使用SVN commit提交修改时,提示Checksum mismatch 问题,提示版本不一致,不能提交,类似于下图. 图片来源于网络,如有侵权,请告知删除. 搜索stackoverflow.com找到对我症的答案,link: 具体操作: 1.本地复制一份出错的文件 filea 为fileb,然后add提交 2.在服务端重命名filea为…
最近使用svn客户端更新代码的时候出现 Checksum mismatch while updating 的错误 解决办法 在出错文件的目录下,用update to reversion , 先选only this item,更新一次,再选Fully recursive更新一遍. 注意,如果文件自己有修改,先备份一下!…
[]# svn up svn: E155004: Working copy '/EMRCV5' locked. svn: E155004: '/EMRCV5' is already locked. svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details) []# svn cleanup []#…
问题: Checksum mismatch while updating '……'; expected: '3f9fd4dd7d1a0304d8020f73300a3e07', actual: 'cd669dce5300d7035eccb543461a961e' 意思就是本地文件的标识与远程不一致,解决方法入下: 先在错误文件所在目录执行: svn update --set-depth empty 然后执行: svn update --set-depth infinity 请注意,第一行命令会删…
问题: Checksum mismatch while updating '……'; expected: '3f9fd4dd7d1a0304d8020f73300a3e07', actual: 'cd669dce5300d7035eccb543461a961e' 错误意思:本地文件的标识与远程不一致. 解决办法: 1.进入错误文件所在目录并且备份文件: 2.运行cmd打开命窗口且进入错误文件所有目录: 3.执行命令:svn update --set-depth empty   ## 该命令会删除…
This error happens in Release mode of VS2010, solve this problem by do following: . Go to Project Pages / Configuration Properties / C,C++ / Preprocessor / Preprocessor Definitions, add the following: _ALLOW_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL_MISMATCH…