Redis source code analysis】的更多相关文章…
Look under the start memcahced threading process memcached multi-threaded mainly by instantiating multiple libevent, are a main thread and n workers thread is the main thread or workers thread all through the the libevent management network event, in…
This blog was written at go 1.3.1 version. We know that we use template thought by followed way: func main() { name := "waynehu" tmpl := template.New("test") tmpl, err := tmpl.Parse("hello {{.}}") if err != nil { panic(err) }…
This article mainly introduces the process of Memcached, libevent structure of the main thread and worker thread based on the processing of the connection state of mutual conversion (not involving data access operations), the main business logic is t…
Apache Commons Pool实现了对象池的功能.定义了对象的生成.销毁.激活.钝化等操作及其状态转换,并提供几个默认的对象池实现.在讲述其实现原理前,先提一下其中有几个重要的对象: PooledObject(池对象). PooledObjectFactory(池对象工厂). Object Pool(对象池). 下面分别详细讲解它们的实现. PooledObject(池对象) 用于封装对象(如:线程.数据库连接.TCP连接),将其包裹成可被池管理的对象.提供了两个默认的池对象实现: De… https://lwn…
Cange note: “Reading TMR1H will latch the contents of TMR1H and TMR1L counter to the destination”? For example < MOV a,TMR1H >, but accumulator only 8-bit, how can latch TMR1H and TMR1L Read_Temp: IFNDEF RELEASE_VERSION mov a,lastram mov temperature… Doing security the right way demands an army – of developers, security teams, and the tools that each uses to help create and maintain secure c… In this article, I have summarised some of the top static code analysis tools. Can we ever imagine sitting back and manually reading each line of codes to find flaws? To eas…
Hey, guys! The next generation of Vue has released already. There are not only the brand new composition API, much more powerful and flexible reactivity system, first-class render function, but also the natural performance with building off the moder…
LIRE教程之源码分析 |LIRE Tutorial of Analysis of the Source Code 最近在做地理图像识别和检索的研究,发现了一个很好用的框架LIRE,遂研究了一通.网上的教程不算很多,而且LIRE更新比较快,一些方法已经更新或废弃,故想写几篇文章重新总结一下框架内的多种方法,方便他人使用. LIRE(Lucene Image Retrieval)是一个开源的轻量级图像识别Java框架,提供了多种简单易用的图片检索方法.事实上,LIRE是基于Lucene这个全文检索…
link from: Native Java Bytecode Debugging without Source Code Feb 12, 2014 | Jason Geffner, Sr. Security Researcher At CrowdStrike, we've seen a moderate inc… Snort is by far the most popular open-source network intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS) for Linux. Snort can conduct detailed traffic analysis, including protocol analysis, packet content search…
cppcheck是一个个检测源码的工具,对编译工具的一个补充,mark Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis Syntax: cppcheck [OPTIONS] [files or paths] If a directory is given instead of a filename, *.cpp, *.cxx, *.cc, *.c++, *.c, *.tpp, and *.txx files are checked recursi…
This post is first posted on my WeChat public account: GeekArtT Reading source code is always one big part for software engineers. Just like the writers to learn writing by reading a heck of classic books, like the painters to "read" a bunches o…
Source Code Pro - 最佳的免费编程字体之一!来自 Adobe 公司的开源等宽字体下载     每一位程序员都有一套自己喜爱的代码编辑器与编程字体,譬如我们之前就推荐过一款"神器"级别的代码编辑器 Sublime Text 2,而今天我们则推荐一款相当不错的编程字体 -- Source Code Pro! Source Code Pro 是由大名鼎鼎的 Adobe 公司发布的一款开源且完全免费的等宽编程字体,它非常适合用于阅读代码,支持 Linux.Mac OS X 和…
The Robotics Library is an open source C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. The official website provides a Windows installer. But it's release only and has no debug information. To better debug into the library, we need to…
Download any version source code of Windows Azure Powershell from Downdload Wix ToolSet from and install it to let your VS supports Wix component. Build \W…
为了使一个项目支持集群,自己学习使用了 akka cluster 并在项目中实施了,从此,生活就变得有些痛苦.再配上 apache 做反向代理和负载均衡,debug 起来不要太酸爽.直到现在,我还对 akka cluster 输出的 log 不是很熟悉,目前网络上 akka cluster 的信息还比较少,想深入了解这东西的话,还是要自己读 source code.前几天,雪球那帮人说 akka 不推荐使用,有很多坑,这给我提了个醒,目前我对 akka 的理解是远远不够的,需要深入学习. akk…
The default class viewer doesn't decompile the class file so you cannot open and check the source code, you may down third part App to do that while it is not convenient for debugging. The JAD plugin unable you open it directly in Eclipse. you just f…
收藏一些经典的源码,持续更新!!! 1.深度学习框架(Deep Learning Framework). A:Caffe (Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding)Convolutional 由伯克利大学Yangqing Jia Ph.D开发的开源深度学习的代码. Homepage: Paper:Caffe: Convolutional Architecture f… Attach Source Code to a Netbeans Library Wrapper Module Feb 22nd, 2008 I’m new in NetBeans and today I’ve been struggling a couple of hours with the simple…
import os import sys def find_file(root_dir, type): dirs_pool = [root_dir] dest_pool = [] def scan_dir(directory): entries = os.walk(directory) for root, dirs, files in entries: dirs_pool.extend([os.path.join(root, dir_entry) for dir_entry in dirs])…
1. 安装ctags: sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags 2. 打开选折右边的Download Zip按钮下载 3. 解压缩刚刚下载的zip文件. 4. 将文件 sourcecodebrowser.plugin 和文件夹 sourcecodebrowser 复制到 /usr/lib/gedit/plugins/ chenzc@chenzc-T530:~…
特色 迅捷是一个功能强大的C/C++源代码分析软件.可以处理数百万行的源程序代码.支持标准及K&R风格的C/C++.对每一个打开的源代码工程,通过建立一个包含丰富交叉引用关系的数据库,显示其所含的各种信息:所有的源文件.所有的头文件.所有的代码文件.词汇索引.索引结果.文件包含关系.宏定义.数据结构和函数定义.可扩展的函数定义.函数调用关系.分文件夹的定义目录.构造层次.诊断性输出等.仅须按一键就可以非常方便地扩展各种类型的定义和调用关系.所有这些结合起来帮助用户快速地阅读.理解.研究和维护关键…
========================ASP.NET MVC 4============================ ASP.NET MVC 4 source code download[官方] 修改后的ASP.NET MVC 4相关工程文件下载 解压源文件, 然后用笔者修改后的工程文件替换对应文件(直接替换就行). ASP.NET MVC 4 build前请先运行build RestorePackages C:\Codes\ASP.NET MVC 4>build RestoreP…
1. Unpack the tarball: tar -xzf xdebug-2.2.x.tgz.  Note that you do not need to unpack the tarball inside the PHP source code tree. Xdebug is compiled separately, all by itself, as stated above. 2. cd xdebug-2.2.x 3. Run phpize: phpize    (or /path/t…
You wanna look at a JVM class while you are coding and you cannot. Here is the solution. First of all, download your related JDK source code files unless you already have it. In general, source code is included in the JavaSE bundle and located under… 第一步: 下载并解压source code pro安装包 第二步: 安装字体,双击.ttf文件,并选择安装. 第三步: 选择箭头所指项. 注意:一定要选择使用全局字体,和使…
You can find their source code in codeplex at the ASP.NET source code. ExtendedMembershipProvider: SimpleMembershipProvid…