why latches are considered bad?】的更多相关文章

A "latch" is different from a "Flip-Flop" in that a FF only changes its output in response to a clock edge. A latch can change its output in response to something other than a clock. For example, an SR-Latch has a set and a reset input…
What makes an inferred latch?For combinatorial logic, the output of the circuit is a function of input only and should not contain any memory or internal state (latch). In Verilog, a variable will keep its previous value if it is not assigned a value…
Statistical approaches to randomised controlled trial analysis The statistical approach used in the design and analysis of the vast majority of clinical studies is often referred to as classical or frequentist. Conclusions are made on the results of…
[20190214]11g Query Result Cache RC Latches补充.txt --//上午测试链接:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2632907/--//发现自己的一个错误,另外写一篇帖子更正.--//顺便复习result cache的相关内容:链接:https://blog.csdn.net/jolly10/article/details/81382644 查看SQL结果高速缓存字典信息(G)V$RESULT_CACHE_S…
[20190214]11g Query Result Cache RC Latches.txt --//昨天我重复链接http://www.pythian.com/blog/oracle-11g-query-result-cache-rc-latches/的测试,--//按照我的理解如果sql语句密集执行,使用Result Cache反而更加糟糕,这是我以前没有注意到的.--//联想我们生产系统也存在类似的问题,我们有1个判断连接的语句select count(*) from test_conn…
本文中,我们将讨论共享池(Shared Pool)中的各种内存保护结构,即Latches,Locks,Pins和Mutexes. 1.  Lathes 当在库缓冲(Libraray Cache)中创建新对象而没有足够的自由内存(没有足够大的单个自由内存块(Chunk of Free Memory))时,Oracle就会用LRU算法从相应哈希链表上分离(Delink)已有对象,并将新对象加入哈希链表上,该过程中,都会涉及各个对象中前后地址指针的修改,也会涉及各对象在自由链表及库缓冲链表间的移动.…
WARN:30 20:55:45,340ms- [HqlSqlWalker]1009行-[DEPRECATION] Encountered positional parameter near line 1, column 33 in HQL: [FROM com.hs.model.IpModel WHERE ? BETWEEN ip_start_num AND ip_end_num].  Positional parameter are considered deprecated; use na…
资料来自官方文档: https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/CNCPT/consist.htm#CNCPT1333 https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/statements_9016.htm#SQLRF01605 latch主要内容来自:https://blog.csdn.net/yangshangwei/article/details/53725617 本章节主要介绍的oracle锁总主要包含两种类型的锁: 1…
异常处理被认为存在缺陷 Do, or do not. There is no try. - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back (George Lucas) by Jason Robert Carey Patterson, Nov 2005 Recent programming languages such as Java, Python and Ruby have chosen to use exception handling as their primary met…
1, // tcpmux 7, // echo 9, // discard 11, // systat 13, // daytime 15, // netstat 17, // qotd 19, // chargen 20, // ftp data 21, // ftp access 22, // ssh 23, // telnet 25, // smtp 37, // time 42, // name 43, // nicname 53, // domain 77, // priv-rjs 7…