kiwi installation】的更多相关文章

Mainly the installstion methods follow the url: there are some notices need to be mentioned: 1: fftw3 download fftw3 here and then install it using ./configure make ma…
Took me a while to suffer from the first successful souce code installation of mysql-5.6.34. Just put it here and share it with u. Env.OS:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)Mysql: mysql-5.6.341. Install Cmake [root@exadata1 cmake-3.…
Create an offline installation of Visual Studio 2017 RC ‎2016‎年‎12‎月‎7‎日                                                                                                  In this article Create a layout Install from a layout Update an installation lay…
有一段时间没有用到AnkhSvn了,今天工作需要安装了一下.结果安装到一半就无法继续了,提示An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT,publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",version="9.0.30729.6161",processorArchitecture="x86",type="win32&q…
"Installation failed !" in GUI but not in CLI (/usr/bin/winusb: line 78: 18265 Terminated ) Installation failed ! Exit code: 256 Log: **blank** ----- Install log(when running winusbgui as root) Installation failed ! Exit code: 256 Log: Formattin…
# download (1) python wget (2) pymol wget # install cd E:\pymol\Pymol_win_64\Pymol_win_64 echo Wheel installation C:\Python27\S…
[2016-08-20 14:38:39 - hybrid-android] Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE[2016-08-20 14:38:39 - hybrid-android] Please check logcat output for more details.[2016-08-20 14:38:39 - hybrid-android] Launch canceled! 解决方案就是:在真机上,把原始程序卸…
OpenCASCADE的编译 The Installation and Compilation of OpenCASCADE 一. 安装OpenCASCADE 可以从OpenCASCADE的官网上下载其安装包,可以选择最新的版本,下载网址为: .如果只用其库来编程已经够了,安装好下载的安装包即可.若想对其进行调试,必须先把它编译成功.想编译通过,必须下载第三方库,因…
1.kali 2.0前天(2015.08.11)发布了.果断下载下来换掉本机的1.0版本. 2.用U盘安装的过程中,出现cd-rom无法挂载.提示错误Your installation CD-ROM couldn't be mounted. 3.在谷歌搜索后,参考国外的 4.经过…
1. vmplayer download: 2. virtualbox download: 3. debian (unix os) net installation: debian-8.1.0-amd…
sudo apt-get install vim 在安装vim时报如下错误: Error accoured: This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, oris only available from another sourceE: Package 'vim' has no installation candidate 上网查了许多资料,发现是库未更新,依次执行如下命令: sudo apt-get update…
sublime text3 在安装插件时,有时候会莫名其妙的弹出如下所示的弹窗(之前遇到了,但写的时候不知道为什么我的又可以了,这个只是出现了这个问题之后可以尝试的一个解决办法,图片就从网上找了一个),弹窗上面显示there are no packages available for installation,对于window系统主要是因为Tcp/IPv6造成的,如果遇到这种问题,可以打开网络和共享中心>>更改适配器设置>>选择连接网络的那个点击右键>>属性>&g…
Oracle EBS R12 (12.1.3) Installation Linux(64 bit) Contents Objective. 3 1 Download & Unzip. 3 Download. 3 Unzip. 3 MD5 Checksums. 4 2 Pre-Install Task. 5 Disk Space. 5 Specific Software Requirements. 5 RPM... 6 JDK. 8 OS User & Group. 11 3 Instal…
Replace Default Qt version paths in: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtchooser/default.confor in newer releases /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt-default/qtchooser/default.conf: /opt/Qt5/bin /opt/Qt5/lib Check: qtchooser -print-env   Reference: http://askubuntu…
今天就来聊聊日志服务器KiWi Syslog的安装与配置. 首先,所需文件有以下2个: 1.Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.5.0.Eval.setup.exe[此版本只有14天寿命][Kiwi Syslog 9.5 可到官方(下载免费受限版本和注册版本] 2.SolarWinds_Event_LogForwarder_Setup.exe 安装 步骤一.然后,安装Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.5.0.Eval.setup…
snort installation: wget copy uncompressed rules to "~/usr/snort/snort-" insert a rule…
最近将公司的台式机安装了ubuntu16.04,安装之后,使用apt-get install openssh-server 发现出现:Package 'openssh-server' has no installation candidate  的问题.下面主要讲解一下解决问题的办法: 1.出现上面的问题主要原因是源的问题.于是可以将ubuntu的源修改一下,ubuntu的源文件主要存放在/etc/apt/sources.list文件中,只需要修改里面的内容即可. (1)首先将系统自带的源进行备…
之前一直是在windows上使用sublime,由于公司内部搭建了服务器,干脆把所有项目搬到了服务器上,自然也装上了牛逼闪闪的sublime,然而在接下来安装插件的时候却出了问题,package control一直弹出There are no packages available for installation,由于公司的网络也比较操蛋,防火墙等级太高,所有的出口网络都要输入自己的账号密码,所以一直以为是这块的问题,各种尝试无果之后,偶然看了一下控制台打印的信息,发现是http://packa…
今天刚刚导入了一个项目,但是多次导入,始终有错误,解决不了.第一次是我导入项目之后,项目前边有红色叉号,但是项目里面却没有错误标志.重新打开Eclipse,方解决了这个问题.但是,在模拟器上运行,却始终不可以,提示Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR 的错误. 于是,好不容易百度出来了: 当我部署一个Eclipse中的项目时,提示Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR,通…
Kiwi是iOS开发一个行为驱动开发库.目标是提供一个BDD库,精美的简单安装和使用. 安装 使用CocoaPods安装: pod 'Kiwi'如果使用Xcode5则使用: pod 'Kiwi/XCTest' SPEC_BEGIN(类名)和SPEC_END是扩大到开始和结束KWSpec类和实例组声明的宏. beforeAll(aBlock) - 当前scope内部的所有的其他block运行之前调用一次 afterAll(aBlock) - 当前scope内部的所有的其他block运行之后调用一次…
日志服务器Kiwi+Syslogd+8.3.7破解版 Window收集服务器日志evtsys_exe_32 默认地,kiwi使用UDP 514端口接收日志数据,安装成功后即可接收日志 使用命令netstat –ano查看服务器监听状态,如果服务没起来,则重新启动服务Kiwi Syslog Daemon 任务:把当天的日志保存在G:\event,历史日志保存在G:\eventold,自动删除1一个月前的日志记录 第一步:新建规则CiscoRouter 1.新建Filters IP:收集来自192.…
原创地址: 转载请注明出处 一 硬件要求 1. CRM Server 下表对硬件的要求是假定Microsoft SQL Server,Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange Server安装在其他服务器上的. Component *Minimum *Recommended Processor x64 arch…
simple 用 ctrl+~ 打开 sublime 的控制台,将下面代码复制进去. sublime text2: import urllib2, os, hashlib; h = '2915d1851351e5ee549c20394736b442' + '8bc59f460fa1548d1514676163dafc88'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path();…
[POJ1328]Radar Installation 试题描述 Assume the coasting is an infinite straight line. Land is in one side of coasting, sea in the other. Each small island is a point locating in the sea side. And any radar installation, locating on the coasting, can onl…
出现这样的错误: error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation. 具体如图: 我按照提示在终端打开工程,pod install 和 pod update 都试了一遍,然并卵.只好拿出杀手锏: Project -> Info -> Configurations -> Debug 改为 Pods.debug, Re…
Arch Linux Installation Guide   timedatectl set-ntp true   sed -i '/Score/{/China/!{n;s/^/#/}}' /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist pacman -Syy     启动模式检查   检查启动模式是否支持UEFI,这将决定在安装 Bootloader 阶段的步骤: ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars --如果如上文件存在,就说明为UEFI,否则为legacy BIOS…
Radar Installation 题目链接: 题目: Description   Assume the coasting is an infinite straight line. Land is in one side of coasting, sea in the other. Each small island is a point locating…
安装过程中报错: 日志文件信息: Executing command: /app/R1220/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/jre/Linux_x64//bin/java -cp /app/erpapp/VIS/fs2/inst/apps/VIS_ebstest/temp/ASInstallHome/fnd/../ erpapp/VIS/fs2/inst/apps/VIS_ebstest/temp/ASInstallHome/fnd/…
$sduo apt-get install openssh-server Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Package openssh-server is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has b…
# setenforce Permissive # ./ --mode text Installation Directory [/opt/PostgresPlus/9.3AS]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Select the components you want to install. Database S…