本文是对Arthur Juliani在Medium平台发布的强化学习系列教程的个人中文翻译,该翻译是基于个人分享知识的目的进行的,欢迎交流!(This article is my personal translation for the tutorial written and posted by Arthur Juliani on Medium.com. And my work is completely based on aim of sharing knowledges and welco…
 原文地址: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.07871.pdf ======================================================== 如何让AI依照人类的意图行事?这是将AI应用于现实世界复杂问题的最大障碍之一. DeepMind将这个问题定义为“智能体对齐问题”,并提出了新的解决方案. 概述了解决agent alignment问题的研究方向.所提出的方法依赖于奖励建模的递归应用,以符合用户意图的方式解决复杂的现实世界问题. 强…
本文是对Arthur Juliani在Medium平台发布的强化学习系列教程的个人中文翻译,该翻译是基于个人分享知识的目的进行的,欢迎交流!(This article is my personal translation for the tutorial written and posted by Arthur Juliani on Medium.com. And my work is completely based on aim of sharing knowledges and welco…
本文是对Arthur Juliani在Medium平台发布的强化学习系列教程的个人中文翻译,该翻译是基于个人分享知识的目的进行的,欢迎交流!(This article is my personal translation for the tutorial written and posted by Arthur Juliani on Medium.com. And my work is completely based on aim of sharing knowledges and welco…
本文是对Arthur Juliani在Medium平台发布的强化学习系列教程的个人中文翻译,该翻译是基于个人分享知识的目的进行的,欢迎交流!(This article is my personal translation for the tutorial written and posted by Arthur Juliani on Medium.com. And my work is completely based on aim of sharing knowledges and welco…
本文是对Arthur Juliani在Medium平台发布的强化学习系列教程的个人中文翻译,该翻译是基于个人分享知识的目的进行的,欢迎交流!(This article is my personal translation for the tutorial written and posted by Arthur Juliani on Medium.com. And my work is completely based on aim of sharing knowledges and welco…
本文是对Arthur Juliani在Medium平台发布的强化学习系列教程的个人中文翻译,该翻译是基于个人分享知识的目的进行的,欢迎交流!(This article is my personal translation for the tutorial written and posted by Arthur Juliani on Medium.com. And my work is completely based on aim of sharing knowledges and welco…
本文是对Arthur Juliani在Medium平台发布的强化学习系列教程的个人中文翻译.(This article is my personal translation for the tutorial written and posted by Arthur Juliani on Medium.com.) 原文地址(URL for original article):https://medium.com/emergent-future/simple-reinforcement-learni…
1,Introduction 1.1 What is Dynamic Programming? Dynamic:某个问题是由序列化状态组成,状态step-by-step的改变,从而可以step-by-step的来解这个问题.     Programming:是在已知环境动力学的基础上进行评估和控制,具体来说就是在了解包括状态和行为空间.转移概率矩阵.奖励等信息的基础上判断一个给定策略的价值函数,或判断一个策略的优劣并最终找到最优的策略和最优价值函数.     动态规划算法把求解复杂问题分解为求解…
前面介绍了三种采样求均值的算法 ——MC ——TD ——TD(lamda) 下面我们基于这几种方法来 迭代优化agent 传统的强化学习算法 || ν ν 已经知道完整MDP——使用价值函数V(s) 没有给出完整MDP——使用价值函数Q(s,a) 可见我们的目标就是确定下来最优策略和最优价值函数 | |——有完整MDP &&  用DP解决复杂度较低 |     ====>  使用贝尔曼方程和贝尔曼最优方程求解 |——没有完整MDP(ENV未知) or 知道MDP但是硬解MDP问题复杂…