
N-COUNT 出纳(员);收银员A cashier is a person who customers pay money to or get money from in places such as shops or banks. formal for gas noun(LIQUID FUEL) 汽油(gas 的正式说法)gasoline N-COUNT 储藏;蓄积A reservoir of something is a large quantity of it that is avail…
Cashier Employment Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 7997   Accepted: 3054 Description A supermarket in Tehran is open 24 hours a day every day and needs a number of cashiers to fit its need. The supermarket manager has hir…
copyright © 1900-2016, NORYES, All Rights Reserved. 欢迎转载,请保留此版权声明. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 问题 随机抽样问题表示如下: 要求从N个元素中随机的抽取k个元素,其中N无法确定. 这种应用的场景一般是数据流的情况下,由于数据…
1437. Gasoline Station Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Once a gasoline meter broke at a filling station. Fortunately, there was an overflow clipper (a device that makes it possible not to overfill a tank). An ACM-programmer came to this sta…
蓄水池采样算法 问题描述分析 采样问题经常会被遇到,比如: 从 100000 份调查报告中抽取 1000 份进行统计. 从一本很厚的电话簿中抽取 1000 人进行姓氏统计. 从 Google 搜索 "Ken Thompson",从中抽取 100 个结果查看哪些是今年的. 这些都是很基本的采用问题. 既然说到采样问题,最重要的就是做到公平,也就是保证每个元素被采样到的概率是相同的.所以可以想到要想实现这样的算法,就需要掷骰子,也就是随机数算法.(这里就不具体讨论随机数算法了,假定我们有了…
问题起源于编程珠玑Column 12中的题目10,其描述如下: How could you select one of n objects at random, where you see the objects sequentially but you do not know the value of n beforehand? For concreteness, how would you read a text file, and select and print one random l…
Cashier Employment Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 7651   Accepted: 2886 Description A supermarket in Tehran is open 24 hours a day every day and needs a number of cashiers to fit its need. The supermarket manager has hir…
水塘抽样是一系列的随机算法,其目的在于从包含n个项目的集合S中选取k个样本,其中n为一很大或未知的数量,尤其适用于不能把所有n个项目都存放到主内存的情况. 在高德纳的计算机程序设计艺术中,有如下问题:可否在一未知大小的集合中,随机取出一元素?.或者是Google面试题: I have a linked list of numbers of length N. N is very large and I don't know in advance the exact value of N. How…
1.理解 问题定义可以简化如下:在不知道文件总行数的情况下,如何从文件中随机的抽取一行? 首先想到的是我们做过类似的题目吗?当然,在知道文件行数的情况下,我们可以很容易的用C运行库的rand函数随机的获得一个行数,从而随机的取出一行,但是,当前的情况是不知道行数,这样如何求呢?我们需要一个概念来帮助我们做出猜想,来使得对每一行取出的概率相等,也即随机.这个概念即蓄水池抽样(Reservoir Sampling). 水塘抽样算法(Reservoir Sampling)思想: 在序列流中取一个数,如…
Given a stream of elements too large to store in memory, pick a random element from the stream with uniform probability. To solve the problem which n size is unknown, Reservior Sampling is a perfect algorithm to use: Reservoir sampling algorithm can…