
Flashback Data Archive feature is part of Oracle Total Recall technology. Flashback Data Archive feature lets you to track changes made in any number of tables for any given retention time. The retention time can be some days or months or years.Flash…
2016年11月10日 上午1:15 发件人 Apple 2. 1 PERFORMANCE: APP COMPLETENESS Thank you for your resubmission. Performance - 2.1 Your app still crashes on iPad and iPhone running iOS 10.1.1 connected to an IPv6 network when we: tap on between the bottom taps “首页”,…
The Hadoop Distributed File System has been great in providing a cloud-type file system. It is robust (when administered correctly :-)) and highly scalable. However, one of the main drawbacks of HDFS is that each piece of data is replicated in three…
想把当前目录名保存到一个变量中,然后用在别的地方 ${PWD##*/} 测试: cd /var/log/squid echo ${PWD##*/} 还有很多种方法,请参考这个老外写的: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/120291 原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/lanmanck/article/details/6035371…
配置如下archive命令,可以记录登录到设备,具体配置了哪些命令: R3(config)#archiveR3(config-archive)#log configR3(config-archive-log-cfg)#R3(config-archive-log-cfg)#logging enableR3(config-archive-log-cfg)#notify syslog R3#sho loggingSyslog logging: enabled (11 messages dropped,…
Caffe 提供了matlab接口,可以用于提取图像的feature.…
Software MPEG-7 Feature Extraction Library : This library is adapted from MPEG-7 XM Reference Software to make it work with Open Source Computer Vision library (OpenCV) data structures (e.g., IplImage, Mat). It has a very easy-to-use API. Moreover, e…
What archive.php does (and all its related templates) is show posts based on a select criteria. A date range, or posts by a certain author, a category, or a tag. So, basically, it's a lot like index.php. Our theme will have one multipurpose archive.p…
这题直接隐式图 + 位运算暴力搜出来的,2.5s险过,不是正法,做完这题做的最大收获就是学会了一些位运算的处理方式. 1.将s中二进制第k位变成0的处理方式: s = s & (~(1 << pos)); 将s中二进制第k位变成1的处理方式: s = s | (1 << pos); 2.二进制运算: [1] & : 1 & 1 = 1 , 1 & 0 = 0 , 0 & 0 = 0; 高速推断奇偶性: if(a & 1);//为奇数…
一.特征选择可以减少过拟合代码实例 该实例来自机器学习实战第四章 #coding=utf-8 ''' We use KNN to show that feature selection maybe reduce overfitting ''' from sklearn.base import clone from itertools import combinations import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_t…