random module】的更多相关文章

最近在给公司培训Python,布置了一道题: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate 10 random floats(value range is (-2.0,2.0) and precision is 1) and save as list; Such as: [-0.7, 0.8, 1.6, 0.1, 0.3, -1.0, 0.4…
import random # 方法返回随机生成的一个实数,它在[0,1)范围内print(random.random())运行结果:0.06435148447021877 # 方法返回随机生成的一个整数,这里包括 8print(random.randint(1, 8))运行结果:1 # 返回一个列表,元组或字符串的随机项print(random.choice('hello'))运行结果:l print(random.choice(['hello', 11, [22]]))运行结果:[22] #…
As an example of subclassing, the random module provides the WichmannHill class that implements an alternative generator in pure Python. The class provides a backward compatible way to reproduce results from earlier versions of Python, which used the…
random模块 random.random()用于生成一个浮点数x,范围为0 =< x < 1 import random >>>print(random.random()) 1.864001829819306 random.uniform(a,b)用于生成一个指定范围内的随机符点数,两个参数其中一个是上限,一个是下限. import random >>>print(random.uniform(1,10)) 7.559074479037658 #其上限与…
Most computer programs do the same thing every time they execute, given the same inputs, so they are said to be deterministic. Deterministic is usually a good thing, since we expect the same calculation to yield the same result. For some applications…
提前说明: class object  指VM中的class 对象,因为python一切对象,class在VM也是一个对象,需要区分class对象和 class实例对象. class instance 指 某个class的 instance ,这个instance 的 ob_type指向某个 class object python中 类对象有两种相关的class需要我们特别关注: 1.metaclass: metaclass关乎class object(不是 class instance)的创建…
10.1. Operating System Interface The os module provides dozens of functions for interacting with the operating system: >>> >>> import os >>> os.getcwd() # Return the current working directory 'C:\\Python34' >>> os.chdir…
# Practice Exercises for Functions # Solve each of the practice exercises below. # 1.Write a Python function miles_to_feet that takes a parameter miles and # returns the number of feet in miles miles. def miles_to_feet(miles): feet = miles * 5280 ret…
用JSON-server模拟REST API(二) 动态数据 上一篇演示了如何安装并运行 json server , 在这里将使用第三方库让模拟的数据更加丰满和实用. 目录: 使用动态数据 为什么选择mockjs mockjs用法示例 安装mockjs Mock.mock Mock.Random 为什么不在浏览器中使用mockjs 示例 上一篇 用JSON-server模拟REST API(一) 安装运行 下一篇 用JSON-server模拟REST API(三) 进阶使用 使用动态数据 上一篇…
Random - Generate pseudo-random numbers Source code: Lib/random.py This module implements pseudo-random number generators for various distributions. For integers, uniform selection from a range. For sequences, uniform selection of a random element, a…