Linux安装ElasticSearch后,ElasticSearch是不能用root用户启动的,以root用户启动会报错Refer to the log for complete error details,出现这种情况该如何解决呢?下面小编就为大家带来Linux安装ElasticSearch启动报错的解决方法,一起去看看吧 今天就出现的异常问题专门解决一下.你安装好ElasticSearch以后,在启动的时候需要注意的问题是,ElasticSearch是不能用root用户启动的(这是根据…
今天编译程序,发现程序报错,如下 cannot find -liconv collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 或者 undefined reference to `libiconv_open' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 是因为没有安装liconv包 iconv命令是用来转换文件的编码方式的(Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another)…
linux 安装报错:pkg-config not found 使用编译安装时,在执行./configure时报如下错误: ... ... checking for pkg-config... no pkg-config not found configure: error: Please reinstall the pkg-config distribution 提示,配置错误,请重新安装pkg配置分发. 解决方法,根据提示,安装pkg-config: sudo apt-get install…
linux下生成core dump文件方法及设置 from: core dump的概念: A core dump is the recorded state of the working memory of a computer program at a specific time, generally when the program has terminated a…
最近把Eclipse的maven插件从m2eclipse更新到m2e后出了一些莫名其妙的的问题.今天又出了一个,就是Eclipse新建的Maven Web project在tomcat里启动后报错,具体报错信息如下: 警告: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'source' to 'org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:test1' did not find a ma…