#185. 「2019冬令营提高组」送分题 这是原题..... P3615 如厕计划 手推一推你发现,显然男性不能多于女性. 然后你或许可以发现一个神奇的性质. 对于每个序列,我们记$M$为$1$,$F$为$-1$ 蓝后我们统计这个序列的后缀和. 如果这个序列合法,那么每个后缀和都$<=1$ 如果出现$>=2$的...... 举个栗子 F F F M M M M M F F 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -1 这个数列显然是不合法的. 我们要让它合法,就要把若干个M向左移.…
1050 String Subtraction (20 分) Given two strings S1 and S2, S=S1−S2 is defined to be the remaining string after taking all the characters in S2 from S1. Your task is simply to calculate S1−S2 for any given strings. However,…
题意 : 题目链接 分析 : 听队友说一般概率从前往后推.期望从后往前推......... #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ; double dp[maxn], sumdp[maxn]; int sum[maxn], arr[maxn]; int MaxEle; int main(void) { int n, m; while(~scanf("%d %d", &n, &m)){ sum[] = ; ;…
Farmer John has purchased a subscription to Good Hooveskeeping magazine for his cows, so they have plenty of material to read while waiting around in the barn during milking sessions. Unfortunately, the latest issue contains a rather inappropriate…
https://vjudge.net/problem/2135388/origin Describe You are given an integer sequence 1,2,-,n. You have to divide it into two sets A and B in such a way that each element belongs to exactly one set and |sum(A)−sum(B)| is minimum possible. The value |x…