故事背景 一.项目预览 From: https://www.imooc.com/video/12521 表单操作 一.新增信息 既然是操作,自然会想到:控制器. 控制器  [1] 路由 ----> 函数 create( ) Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () { Route::get('student/index', ['uses' => 'StudentController@index']); Route::any('…
Project 03- STM32F4xx PID controller CMSIS files from ARM provides ARM Math functions. There are also PID controller functions in different formats for f32, q31 and q7. This tutorial/project will talk about how to implement PID controller on STM32F4x…
问题描述:Ubuntu开机时提示“piix4_smbus 0000:00:07.3: SMBus Host controller not enabled” 版本:Ubuntu 18.04    VMware 14.0 出现原因:系统装入i2c_piix4模块所致,因为系统找不到这个模块,所以报错 解决办法:1,查明装入模块的确切名字.命令:lsmod | grep i2c (查询结果为:i2c_piix4 模块) 2,将该模块列入不装入名单.编辑文件命令:sudo vi  /etc/modpro…
故事背景 一.项目预览 From: https://www.imooc.com/video/12518 二.知识点 通过项目复习之前的重难点,在此列出并解决. /* implement */ 项目开始 一.布局分析 通过纯html文件给布局打底稿 共同的头部 共同的侧边栏 共同的尾部 只是右侧内容不同. Move/add bootstrap and jquery under public/static/ 二.打通 MVC 路由 Route::get('student/index', ['uses…
故事背景 一.阶级关系 1. Programs are composed of modules.2. Modules contain statements.3. Statements contain expressions.4. Expressions create and process objects. 二.教学大纲 Statements 一.大纲纵览 Python 3.X’s statements page 372/1594 a, b = 'good', 'bad' log.write("…
索引 Notes Excercise Measuring a robot Robot efficiency Persistent group 注释即笔记: const roads = [ "Alice's House-Bob's House", "Alice's House-Cabin", "Alice's House-Post Office", "Bob's House-Town Hall", "Daria's H…
https://blog.csdn.net/maxsky/article/details/54017981 [可以使用命令在项目根目录一键创建 php artisan make:controller 目录名/控制器名 --plain (是小写 php,CSDN…我服)] [执行后可以省去 1-5 步] 首先在 /app/Http/Controllers 下新建目录,如 User User 内新建 PHP 控制器文件,如 UserController.php 此时命名空间应当是这样的: names…
前言 一.基础 Ref: Build a REST API with Laravel API resources Goto: [Node.js] 08 - Web Server and REST API 二.资源 Goto: Laravel 5.4 From Scratch[原讲座] Goto: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4 Ref: Laravel China 社区 三.快捷键 [1] 自动生成 html 基本的 head, body 代码模板. [2] exten…
The open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE. Code::Blocks is a free C++ IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed to be very extensible and fully configurable. Finally, an IDE with all the features you need, having a c…
将感悟心得记于此,重启程序员模式. js, py, c++, java, php 融汇之全栈系列 [Full-stack] 快速上手开发 - React [Full-stack] 状态管理技巧 - Redux [Full-stack] 网页布局艺术 - Less [Full-stack] 异步即时通信 - Async [Full-stack] 跨平台大框架 - RN [Full-stack] 世上最好语言 - PHP 贯通之语言比对 /* 这部分有点全栈系列的味道,日后进阶 */ 语言与框架 语…