引用:http://memoryanalyzer.blogspot.jp/2008/05/automated-heap-dump-analysis-finding.html Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008 Automated Heap Dump Analysis: Finding Memory Leaks with One Click There is a common understanding that a single snapshot of the Java heap is…
Introduction There is a common understanding that a single snapshot of the java heap is not enough for finding a memory leak. The usual approach is to search for a monotonous increase of the number of objects of some class by “online” profiling/monit…
转载:http://blog.csdn.net/wanghuiqi2008/article/details/50724676 一.开发环境: 操作系统:ubuntu 14.04 IDE:Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2) JDK版本:1.7.0_80 MAT版本:1.5.0 二.事件起因 最近通过公司的哨兵监控系统发现我的项目内存使用率每天都会增加一点,如下图.对于一个稳定…
在Install New software中输入 http://archive.eclipse.org/mat/1.2/update-site/ 然后选择Memory Analyzer for Eclipse IDE 这里选项中就包含"Memory Analyzer"和"Memory Analyzer(Charts)" next,重启 使用:窗口->Perspective->打开透视图->其他…