The Immutable.js Record() allows you to model your immutable data much like you would model data with native Javascript classes or objects. It differs from native classes because it cannot be mutated after it's creation and it always has a default va…
更好的阅读体验 更好的阅度体验 Immutable.js Immutable的优势 1. 保证不可变(每次通过Immutable.js操作的对象都会返回一个新的对象) 2. 丰富的API 3. 性能好 (通过字典树对数据结构的共享) Immutable的问题 1. 与原生JS交互不友好 (通过Immutable生成的对象在操作上与原生JS不同,如访问属性,myObj.prop1.prop2.prop3 => myImmutableMap.getIn(['prop1', 'prop2', 'pro…
Immutable.js iterables offer the reduce() method, a powerful and often misunderstood functional operator on which map(), filter(), groupBy(), etc. are built. The concept is simple: reduce transforms your iterable into something else, that's all. The…
Immutable.js offers the fromJS() method to build immutable structures from objects and array. Objects are converted into maps. Arrays are converted into lists. The fromJS() method can also take a reviver function for custom conversions.  Object to Im…
Learn how Immutable.js data structures are different from native iterable Javascript data types and why they provide an excellent foundation on which to build your application's state. Instead of them being mutable, they're always immutable, meaning…
为啥要用immutable.js呢.毫不夸张的说.有了immutable.js(当然也有其他实现库)..才能将react的性能发挥到极致!要是各位看官用过一段时间的react,而没有用immutable那么本文非常适合你. 1,对于react的来说,如果父组建有多个子组建 想象一下这种场景,一个父组建下面一大堆子组建.然后呢,这个父组建re-render.是不是下面的子组建都得跟着re-render.可是很多子组建里面是冤枉的啊!!很多子组建的props 和 state 然而并没有改变啊!!虽然…
这段时间做的项目开发中用的是React+Redux+ImmutableJs+Es6开发,总结了immutable.js的相关使用姿势: Immutable Data 顾名思义是指一旦被创造后,就不可以被改变的数据.可以通过使用Immutable Data,可以让我们更容易的去处理缓存.回退.数据变化检测等问题,简化我们的开发. 我们知道 react.js很著名的就是它处理dom的做法,它是通过Virtual Dom来查看diff,然后再改动需要改动的Dom.但是有个问题当state更新时,如果数…
Learn how to create an Immutable.Map() through plain Javascript object construction and also via array tuples. console.clear(); // Can be an object var map = Immutable.Map({key: "value"}); console.log(map.get("key")); //"value&quo…
Understanding Immutable.js's Map() and List() structures will likely take you as far as you want to go with immutable programming. They have only small semantic differences between each other and the remaining structures in the Immutable.js family. S…
Immutable.js provides several conversion methods to migrate one structure to another. Each Immutable.js class contains a prefixed "to" method like Map.toList(), Map.toSet(), etc. Converting these types sometimes results in a loss of data, as we…