C++ operator overload -- 操作符重载 2011-12-13 14:18:29 分类: C/C++ 操作符重载有两种方式,一是以成员函数方式重载,另一种是全局函数. 先看例子 #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; /* defualt operator= differ from my own one. * assign 0 or 1 to TEST_EQ, look the dif…
需求 由于某些需要,将一些运算符做了列表,以便后续的程序判断传入的字符串中是否包含该列表中的某一个运算符,如果包含,就用该运算符做运算. 但该运算符已经转换是字符串了,没有办法做运算符用,经过全网搜索,发现operator函数可以实现本功能 原始代码 代码 #代码 condition='age > 20' cond_info=['>','<','='] for n in cond_info: if n in condition: print('ok',n,type(n)) if 30 n…
ostream类重载了operator<<()以识别不同的类型,如: int short long unsigned int unsigned short unsigned long float double long double char signed char unsigned char 这样cout就不用像C语言中的printf那样需要程序员自行匹配数据类型,如:printf("%s%d%f","hello world",32,3.…
Every operator overload that we use in C#, gets converted to a function call in IL. Theoverloaded > operator translates into the function op_GreaterThan and a + gets convertedto op_Addition etc. In the first program of this chapter, we have overloade…