测试环境使用  elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client  做为基础包发起es调用出现如下异常: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[match] query does not support [auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query]"…
用Elasticsearch.Net检索数据,报异常: )); ElasticLowLevelClient client = new ElasticLowLevelClient(settings); var searchResponse = client.Search<StringResponse>("test", "Person", PostData.Serializable(new { , size = , query = new { match =…
es { "query":{ "function_score":{ "query":{ "match":{ "name":"头痛" } }, "functions":[ { "field_value_factor":{ "field":"reference_count" }, "weight&quo…
以下是我在2017 ES 广州 meetup的分享 ppt: 摘要 ES最多使用的场景是搜索和日志分析,然而ES强大的实时索引查询.全文检索和聚合能力也能成为数据仓库与OLAP场景的强力支持.本次分享将为大家带来数说故事如何借助ES和Hadoop生态在不同的数据场景下构建起数据仓库能力. 背景 数说故事主要业务为数据商业智能分析,涉及业务包括数字营销.数据分析洞察.消费者连接,同时我们还拥有自己的数据源. 目前我…
在hive classpath中添加elasticsearch-hadoop.jar,以下方法任一种均可: 1.启动hiveserver2 前,在hive-site.xml文件中更改hive.aux.jars.path属性值 <property> <name>hive.reloadable.aux.jars.path</name> <value>/path/elasticsearch-hadoop.jar</value> <descript…
iOS 7 is a major update with compelling features for developers to incorporate into their apps. The user interface has been completely redesigned. In addition, iOS 7 introduces a new animation system for creating 2D and 2.5D games. Multitasking enhan…
1.首先安装elasticsearch 集群环境,参考 注意:由于我的代码采用的是springboot 1.5.3 RELEASE版本,请安装elasticsearch 2.0.0以上版本…
PlainElastic.Net PlainElastic.Net The really plain Elastic Search .Net client. Idea Installation How its works Concepts Command building Indexing Bulk operations Queries Condition less queries Facets Highlighting Scrolling Mapping Index Settings If s…
Build 4.0.0.Alpha1 =============================   ** Known BREAKING CHANGES from NH3.3.3.GA to 4.0.0       NHibernate now targets .Net 4.0. Many uses of set types from Iesi.Collections have     now been changed to use corresponding types from the BC…
今天同事使用ES查询印地语的文章.发现查询报错,查询语句和错误信息如下: 查询语句:{    "query":{        "bool":{            "must":[                {                    "range":{                        "update_time":{                            …