Simple Cel Shading 钟馗】的更多相关文章

Made with Unity Unannouced project Character Art by Chris P…
转自: For the last couple of weeks I often had discussions about toon / anime esque shading.In this post I want to list a few approaches I tried out. Shading Methods Flat shading / Unlit This is not di…
转自: Cel Shading Post Process UE4 Tutorial: Toon Shader (Borderlands/Jet Set Radio)…
翻译:非常详细易懂的法线贴图(Normal Mapping) 本文翻译自: Shaders » Lesson 6: Normal Mapping 作者: Matt DesLauriers 译者: FreeBlues 这一系列依赖于最小规模的用于着色器和渲染工具的lwjgl-basics API. 代码已经被移植到 LibGDX. 这些概念是足够通用的, 它们能被应用于Love2D, GLSL Sandbox, iOS, 或者其他支持 GLSL 的平台. 概述 本文聚焦于 3D 光照和法线贴图技术…
写在前面 前几天在知乎看到一个问题--关于非实感图形学或者风格化渲染有哪些好的书或者paper,我刚好接触过一些就去里面回答了一下.答完以后突然想在Unity里搞一个这样的集锦,把一些简单的NPR论文或者教程在Unity里实现一下.于是这两天就做了一下.我把这个项目放到了GitHub(上,有兴趣的同学可以去看一下. 项目链接: 实现了哪些N…
转自: 算法较简单,首先来看 Base color 部分: 就是将对事先准备好的三张纹理进行线性插值,其中 Mask 为遮罩纹理 接着再来看 Emissive Color 部分: 算法也很简单,即随着时间的变化,经过变化的常量颜色和遮罩纹理进行线性插值,然后结果传入 Emissive Color(基于物理的渲染中,Emissive Color 决定了这个材质有多亮) 总览图 附:基…
说明: 1.这里的Custom Shaders 为且仅为 Custom Node的使用和USF的包含.并非全局Shader和Material Shader. 2.原文来源: The material editor is a great tool for artists to create shaders thanks to its node-based…
A Simple OpenGL Shader Example II Abstract. The OpenGL Shading Language syntax comes from the C family of programming languages. Tokes, identifiers, semicolons, nesting with curly braces, control-flow, and many key words look like C. GL…
A Simple OpenGL Shader Example Abstract. OpenGL Shading Language, the high-level programming language defined to allow application writers to write programs that execute on the programmable processors defined within OpenGL. Informally t… HDR Deferred Shading This sample shows high dynamic range (HDR) lighting combined with deferred shading. Deferred shading is a technique where the co…
转自: This was written in February 2016 which means it was written for an old version of the Unreal Engine.There were a few changes with the newer versions so this is not up to date…
最近天气变化无常,身为程序猿的寡人!~终究难耐天气的挑战,病倒了,果然,程序猿还需多保养自己的身体,有句话这么说:一生只有两件事能报复你:不够努力的辜负和过度消耗身体的后患.话不多说,开始吧. 一.什么是简单工厂模式 简单工厂 (Simple Factory)又称静态工厂方法模式(Static Factory Method Pattern) 使用的频率也是非常高,它的官方解释为:定义一个用于创建对象的接口,让子类决定实例化哪一个类.工厂模式使一个类的实例化延迟到其子类. 这个模式本身很简单而且使…
原文链接: Design Patterns Simplified - Part 3 (Simple Factory)[设计模式简述--第三部分(简单工厂)] This article explains why and how to use the Simple Factory Design Pattern in softw…
开启阅读模式 WATERHAMMER A COMPLEX PHENOMENON WITH A SIMPLE SOLUTION Waterhammer is an impact load that is the most misunderstood force known to pressure transducers today. A waterhammer is created by stopping and/or starting a liquid flow suddenly. The re…
3489: A simple rmq problem Time Limit: 40 Sec  Memory Limit: 600 MBSubmit: 1594  Solved: 520[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 因为是OJ上的题,就简单点好了.给出一个长度为n的序列,给出M个询问:在[l,r]之间找到一个在这个区间里只出现过一次的数,并且要求找的这个数尽可能大.如果找不到这样的数,则直接输出0.我会采取一些措施强制在线. Input 第一行为两个整…
Il est toutefois vraiment à partir de la saison, bien que ceux-ci comprennent sans aucun doute l'athlète d'entrée destiné à «2016 chaussure de course sur la saison. «Il y a du plaisir à c…
A Simple Tree Problem Time Limit: 3 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Given a rooted tree, each node has a boolean (0 or 1) labeled on it. Initially, all the labels are 0. We define this kind of operation: given a subtree, negate all its labels. An…
工厂模式简介. 工厂模式专门负责将大量有共同接口的类实例化 工厂模式可以动态决定将哪一个类实例化,不必事先知道每次要实例化哪一个类. 工厂模式有三种形态: 1.简单工厂模式Simple Factory,又称静态工厂方法模式 2.工厂方法模式Factory Method,又称多态性工厂模式 3.抽象工厂模式Abstract Factory,又称工具箱模式 2.什么是简单工厂模式 简单工厂模式是类的创建模式.是由一个工厂对象决定创建出哪一种产品类的实例,是不同的工厂方法模式的一个特殊实现.由一个工厂…
A Simple Nim Problem Description   Two players take turns picking candies from n heaps,the player who picks the last one will win the game.On each turn they can pick any number of candies which come from the same heap(picking no candy is not allowed)…
在 GCC ARM Embedded 上面下载了个arm-none-eabi-gcc 用cmake 编译时 #指定C交叉编译器,必须配置#或交叉编译器使用绝对地址 SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "/disk2/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.8.3/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc") #指定C++交叉编译器 SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "/disk…
A Simple OpenCASCADE Qt Demo-occQt Abstract. OpenCASCADE have provided the Qt samples in the samples directory, but they are a little complicated. So I decide write a simple OpenCASCADE Qt demo for the OpenCASCADE beginners. Key Words.…
以前看过一篇文章,具体内容不记得了,只记得它的结论了:懒是人类进步的源动力.当时觉得结论有点新颖,文中列举了大量的实例证明这个结论,其中重点强调了计算机学科.我本身从事算是计算机相关的工作,对文中的部分观点还是认可的. 特别是互联网时代,这个结论显得更加正确,而我则认为是make things simple是进步的动力,发明工具或者创新让事情简单起来,从而使更多人能够掌握以前不能做到的技能,进而推动世界的进步. 计算机行业不管是大数据,vr,机器学习还是什么,都是让人们更简单,而不是更复杂,作为…
一.简单工厂模式简介(Bref Introduction) 简单工厂模式(Simple Factory Pattern)的优点是,工厂类中包含了必要的逻辑判断,根据客户端的选择条件动态实例化相关的类,对于客户端来说,去除了与具体产品的依赖 二.解决的问题(What To Solve) 客户实例化对象时不需要关心该对象是由哪个子类实例化的. 三.简单工厂模式分析(Analysis) 1.简单工厂模式结构 IProduct接口:抽象产品类 ConcreteProduct类:产品类的具体实现 Simp…
30.9 Simple Network Management Protocol Network management protocols specify communication between the network management client program a manager invokes and a network management server program executing on a host or router. In addition to defining…
题目 Source Description This task is very simple. Given a string S of length n and q queries each query is on the format i j k which means sort the substring consisting of the characters from i to j in non…
A Simple Nim Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 980    Accepted Submission(s): 573 Problem Description Two players take turns picking candies from n heaps,the player who picks the l…
hihoCoder #1427 : What a Simple Research(大㵘研究) 时间限制:1000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB Description - 题目描述 Peking University Student Folk Music Band has a history of more than 90 years. They play Chinese traditional music by Chinese traditional instruments…
Mulesoft是使用CXF来支持web service,有三种方式 1.JAX-WS 2.Simple, POJO 3. Proxy, pass-throught 本文介绍POJO,最简单的方式 1.首先创建接口跟实现类,接口可以不用 package com.justin.mule.pojo; public interface TotalPrice { public float cal(float price, int amount); } package com.justin.mule.po…
A Simple Problem with Integers [题目链接]A Simple Problem with Integers [题目类型]线段树 成段增减+区间求和 &题解: 线段树 成段增减+区间求和 模板题 这种题真的应该理解并且可以流畅的独立码出来了 [时间复杂度]\(O(nlogn)\) &代码: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespa…
原文地址: Let's try to control LEDs from the PCI Express bus. Xilinx's "Endpoint Block Plus" core allows us to work at the transaction layer level, so it's just going to take us a few lines of code.Instead of…