构建LINUX下的入侵检测系统——LIDS 系统管理命令--vlock http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-306663-id-2440200.html LIDS官方网站:http://lids.luky.org/ Who's new hkbaduharpo_marxarthit75lbcoqkfkravciakWho's online There are currently 0 users and 2 guests online.LIDS 2.2.3rc3 is r…
OSSEC兼容以下操作系统和日志格式 操作系统 以下操作系统可安装OSSEC代理 l GNU/Linux (all distributions, including RHEL, Ubuntu, Slackware, Debian, etc) l Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 2012 l VMWare ESX 3.0,3.5 (含CIS 检测) l FreeBSD (全部版本) l OpenBSD (全部版本) l NetBSD (全部版本) l S…
不多说,直接上干货! 见官网 https://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setting-up-ipsinline-for-linux.html Docs » 11. Setting up IPS/inline for Linux Edit on GitHub 11. Setting up IPS/inline for Linux In this guide will be explained how to work with Suricata in la…