yum简单安装salt master与minion】的更多相关文章

首先得先安装epel的yum源: rpm -ivh http://mirrors.skyshe.cn/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 1.SaltStack服务端(salt-master)安装: 1.安装Master: yum install salt-master -y 2.启动salt-master服务 service salt-master start 至此SaltStack的服务端就安装和启动完成了. 2.SaltStack客户端(sa…
yum install httpd -y chkconfig    httpd  on service httpd start  启动软件…
系统:centos7.2 master: 注释: setenforce 0 --关闭selinux systemctl stop firewalld.service ---关闭防火墙 1.在master和minion机器上安装最新yum源: yum -y install epel-release ---默认版本为epel-release-7-9.noarchyum clean all --清除残余yum文件yum makecache…
一.IP信息说明 [Master] IP: [Minion] IP: 二.配置SaltStack 关于SaltStack Master和Minion的安装这里不再赘述! [配置Master] 1.新建目录 mkdir  -p  /srv/salt/iso mkdir -p   /srv/salt/install_mysql 2.新建配置文件 (1)  /srv/top.sls base: '*': - cpitables.* - i…
salt查看日志: salt --log-level=all "" state.highstate 进入调试模式: salt-minion -l debug [DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion [DEBUG   ] Configuration file path: /etc/salt/minion [INFO    ] Setting up the Salt Minion "…
在salt master端执行salt ‘*’ test.ping时,某一节点出现如下报错:Minion did not return. [No response] 登陆到这一节点查看minion的日志,发现如下的问题: $ tail -f /var/log/salt/minion The master may need to be updated , or If you are confident that you are connecting to a valid Salt Master,…
2.salt master已缓存此节点的公钥,此salt minion将等待10秒,然后再尝试重新验证. [ERROR ] The Salt Master has cached the public key for this node, this salt minion will wait for 10 seconds before attempting to re-authenticate 解决办法: 请务必关闭selinux和iptables…
目录 生成yum源元数据 从网易镜像站下载MySQL 5.7 的 bundle包 创建文件 mysql-local.repo 执行yum install命令 生成yum源元数据 createrepo /usr/local/yum [root@localhost tmp]# createrepo /usr/local/yum Spawning worker 0 with 5 pkgs Spawning worker 1 with 5 pkgs Workers Finished Saving Pri…
Issue: When you set up a Salt Master server and several Minions, you may find that none of minions could be seen by master. nc -v -z salt.master.ip.addr 4505 nc: connect to port 4505 (tcp) failed: No route to host Reason: The firewall on…
saltstack博客地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/pyyu/p/9465608.html在线yaml文件编写:http://www.bejson.com/validators/yaml_editor/saltstack博客地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pyyu/p/9465608.html python的开发领域 django/flask/tornado/sanic/ 后台开发 django rest framewokr 写api接口数据 编写…