some sections in xml are always repeated,I received these file by wcf. I thought it's caused by buffersize of wcf or flush method of stream.(I don't what meaning of flush method is) it took me about an half day to find cause of this probelm.and now,I…
今天和往常一样打开项目,竟然报错problem with class file or dependent class; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, 查阅了很多资料,有的说是包重复,有的说是web.xml配置重复,有的说是spring配置错误,有的说是jar包重复,费了我好长时间. 后来抱着试一试的态度,我把项目clean了一下,然后重新编辑竟然通过了,真是很无语,希望可以帮到大家!……
Abstract: The program is configured not to generate an exception when it fails to write to an audit log. Explanation: If WCF is configured not to throw an exception when it is unable to write to an audit log, the program will not be notified of the f…
WCF Throttling 限流的三道闸口 一.WCF Throttling  流量限制简介 我们期望WCF服务端能够处理尽可能多的并发请求,但是资源是有限的,服务不可能同时处理无限多的并发请求,如果WCF不控制进入消息处理系统的并发量,一旦超过临界值,整个服务端将会由于资源耗尽而崩溃,所以WCF提供了一个限流Throttling特性,让我们可以根据不同性能的服务器来配置最佳的并发流量限制,这三个值相当于WCF通道的三个闸口,每个值代表各自闸口的计数器,当各闸口监控的计数达到你所设置的阈值,后…
Learning about REST An Abstract Example Why Should You Care about REST? WCF and REST WebGetAttribute and WebInvokeAttribute UriTemplate and UriTemplateTable WebHttpBinding and WebHttpBehavior WebServiceHost and WebServiceHostFactory Using the Example…
不小心将服务器OS给重启了,再启动数据库的时候,出现了很奇怪的问题 [root@dev run]# service mysql restart ERROR! MySQL server PID file could not be found! Starting MySQL.. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/var/lib/mysql/run/ 无法启动mysql,后来上网找了一下解决方法,无非就是以下几种…
In the previous lab,you created a service and client from scratch without leveraging the tools available to WCF developers. Although this helps you to understand the raw requirements for sending messages between clients and services,in reality,develo…
When we use <strong>visual studio</strong> open source file or any other file, we may encounter below problem:   <strong>File Load</strong> <strong>Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while l…
There are multiple ways to do error handling in WCF as listed by Pedram Rezaei Blog. The default way that WCF allows errors message to display is by setting IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults Property to true in web.config or on the service attribute but…
SRC= Paul Krzyzanowski April 24, 2014 Introduction We've studied various approaches to file system design. Now we'll look at some real file systems to explore the approaches that were taken i…
The Portable Executable File Format from Top to Bottom Randy KathMicrosoft Developer Network Technology Group Created: June 12, 1993 Click to open or copy the files in the EXEVIEW sample application for this technical article. Click to open or copy t…
Automake是用来根据Makefile.am生成Makefile.in的工具 标准Makefile目标 'make all' Build programs, libraries, documentation, etc. (same as 'make'). 'make install' Install what needs to be installed, copying the files from the package's tree to system-wide directories.…
Seems like I get this weird problem while running Xamarin.iOS on Visual studio. This happened after I updated to the latest Xamarin (today). I have connected to my Mac though. I tried to Google it, no answer... "error MSB4057: The target "GetBui…
1.XAMPP无法启动Apache Xampp的获得和安装都十分简单,你只要到以下网址: 下载xampp即可,我安装的是windows版本的Installer安装包,只要根据它的安装提示一路安 装下去就可以了,十分方便快捷. 不过,安装目录最好选择C盘之外的其它磁盘,据某些网友的经验,在Windonws7或Vista中,如果选择C盘安装,由于权限原因,会出现创建一些文件 失败的问题.如果你已经据有最高权限…
Spring MVC 学习 -- 创建过程 Spring MVC我们使用的时候会在web.xml中配置 <servlet> <servlet-name>SpringMVC</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>contex…
Question  105   You are designing a SharePoint 2010 application that contains a single list named User Data. You need to design the application to meet these requirements:.The application must have a drop-down menu that contains key-value pair data..…
最近在研究Spring中的定时任务功能,最好的办法当然是使用Quartz来实现.对于一个新手来说,花了我不少时间,这里我写个笔记,给大家参考. 我使用的是Maven来管理项目,需要的Jar包我给大家贴出来. quartz-1.8.5.jar commons-logging.jar spring-core-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-beans-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-context-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-context-…
在我们第一次学Servlet编程,学Java Web的时候,还没有那么多框架.我们开发一个简单的功能要做的事情很简单,就是继承HttpServlet,根据需要重写一下doGet,doPost方法,跳转到我们定义好的jsp页面.Servlet类编写完之后在web.xml里注册这个Servlet类. 除此之外,没有其他了.我们启动web服务器,在浏览器中输入地址,就可以看到浏览器上输出我们写好的页面.为了更好的理解上面这个过程,你需要学习关于Servlet生命周期的三个阶段,就是所谓的“init-s…
将文件解析为文档 三步过程 为了使用 XML 文件中的信息,必须解析文件以创建一个 Document 对象. Document 对象是一个接口,因而不能直接将它实例化:一般情况下,应用程序会相应使用一个工厂.准确的过程因实现而异,但是基本思想是相同的.(同样,Level 3 标准化了这个任务).在这个例子 Java 环境中,解析文件是一个三步过程: 创建 DocumentBuilderFactory.DocumentBuilderFactory 对象创建 DocumentBuilder. 创建…
一.MVC概要 MVC是模型(Model).视图(View).控制器(Controller)的简写,是一种软件设计规范,用一种将业务逻辑.数据.显示分离的方法组织代码,MVC主要作用是降低了视图与业务逻辑间的双向偶合.MVC不是一种设计模式,MVC是一种架构模式.当然不同的MVC存在差异. 在web早期的开发中,通常采用的都是Model1.Model1中,如图所示主要分为两层,视图层和模型层.Model2把一个项目分成三部分,包括视图.控制.模型.这样不仅提高的代码的复用率与项目的扩展性,且大大…
watir自动化捕获上传图片元素: require 'watir' include Watir require 'test/unit' class TC_recorded < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_recorded puts "First Line" puts "Open IE" ie.goto("http://localshot:8082") ie.file_fiel…
最近在研究Spring中的定时任务功能,最好的办法当然是使用Quartz来实现.对于一个新手来说,花了我不少时间,这里我写个笔记,给大家参考. 我使用的是Maven来管理项目,需要的Jar包我给大家贴出来. quartz-1.8.5.jar commons-logging.jar spring-core-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-beans-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-context-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-context-…
源: 最近在研究Spring中的定时任务功能,最好的办法当然是使用Quartz来实现.对于一个新手来说,花了我不少时间,这里我写个笔记,给大家参考. 我使用的是Maven来管理项目,需要的Jar包我给大家贴出来. quartz-1.8.5.jar commons-logging.jar spring-core-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar spring-beans-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar sp…
在spring中,ContextLoaderListener只是辅助功能,用于创建WebApplicationContext类型实例,而真正的逻辑实现其实是在DispatcherServlet中进行的,DispatcherServlet是实现servlet接口的实现类. servlet是一个Java编写的程序,此程序是基于HTTP协议的,在服务器端运行的(如Tomcat),是按照servlet规范编写的一个java类.主要是处理客户端的请求并将其结果发送到客户端.servlet的生命周期是由se…
2013-08-04 13:48:22 760 [ERROR] InnoDB: Attempted to open a previously opened tablespace. Previous tablespace isaactest/wp_usermeta uses space ID: 2 at filepath: .\isaactest\wp_usermeta.ibd. Cannot open tablespace mysql/innodb_index_stats which uses…
对于已经越狱的用户来说,经常会使用Cydia来安装一些酷炫或实用插件,但是有时候它总是会出现一些问题,以下收集了在Cydia经常遇到的问题,供大家参考: 一.主屏幕没有 Cydia 图标 1.设备需已越狱 2.初次越狱的设备,Cydia 图标通常在第 2 页 3.Cydia 图标没有被隐藏或加入 SBSettings 的 Dock 4.不完美越狱,需要引导才能出现Cydia图标,例如最近的iOS 6.0.1不完美越狱. 二.Cydia 无法启动(或有闪退现象) 1.Cydia 1.1.0 以前的… I'm currently playing with a POC for an App, and wanted to try to do the App as a SharePoint hosted one, only using JavaScript and REST. The starting point was to call _…
ACM Computer Factory Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4829 Accepted: 1641 Special Judge Description As you know, all the computers used for ACM contests must be identical, so the participants compete on equal terms. That is…
ACM Computer Factory Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5596   Accepted: 1922   Special Judge Description As you know, all the computers used for ACM contests must be identical, so the participants compete on equal terms. Th…