.NET:CLR via C# Assembly Loading】的更多相关文章

基础知识 Internally, the CLR attempts to load this assembly by using the System.Reflection.Assembly class’s static Load method. This method is publicly documented, and you can call it to explicitly load an assembly into your AppDomain. This method is the…
The CLR’s Execution Model The core features of the CLR memory management. assembly loading. security. exception handling. thread synchronization. Managed Module Parts of a Managed Module: PE32 or PE32+ header:The standard Windows PE file header, whic…
原文 So...you're seeing a FileNotFoundException, FileLoadException, BadImageFormatException or you suspect an assembly loading failure? Try the steps below to start your debugging process. First, get the Message property from the exception. If the exce…
原文链接 This article discusses ways to avoid problems of type identity that can lead to InvalidCastException, MissingMethodException, and other errors. The article discusses the following recommendations: Understand the advantages and disadvantages of l…
Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment A strongly named assembly consists of four attributes that uniquely identify the assembly: a file name (without an extension), a version number, a culture identity, and a public key. Because public key…
本系列文章来自 CLR VIA C# .NET FrameWork在Microsoft  Windows平台的顶部运行.这意味着.NET必须用Windows可以理解的技术来构建.首先,所有的托管模块和程序集文件都必须使用Windows PE文件格式,而且要么是一个Windows.exe文件,要么是一个DLL文件. 开发CLR时,Microsoft实际是将它实现成包含在一个DLL中的COM服务器.也就是说,Microsoft为CLR定义了一个标志的COM接口,并为该接口和COM服务器分配了GUID…
box-shadow实现的打点效果 简介 box-shadow理论上可以生成任意的图形效果,当然也就可以实现点点点的loading效果了. 实现原理 html代码,首先需要写如下html代码以及class类名: 订单提交中<span class="dotting"></span> css代码 .dotting { display: inline-block; min-width: 2px; min-height: 2px; box-shadow: 2px 0 c…
实现如图所示的点点点loading效果: 一:CSS3 animation实现代码 html代码: 提交订单中<span class="ani_dot">...</span> css代码: .ani_dot { font-family: simsun; } :root .ani_dot { /* 这里使用Hack是因为IE6~IE8浏览器下, vertical-align解析不规范,值为bottom或其他会改变按钮的实际高度*/ display: inline-…
异常:ArgumentException: The Assembly System.Configuration is referenced by System.Data. But the dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found. 解决方法:在player settings里将api capability level里的.Net 2.0 Sub 改成.Net 2.0就行了.…
错误内容: 微软的错误说明:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2640103/zh-cn 类似下面的错误: 错误应用程序名称:xxx.exe,版本:,时间戳: 0x4f151376 错误模块名称: clr.dll,版本: 4.0.30319.17929,时间戳: 0x4ffa5753 异常代码: 0xc0000005 错误偏移量: 0x0017cbb0 错误进程 ID: 0x11b0 错误应用程序启动时间: 0x01ce21289ba21023 错误…