前言 略有点虎头蛇尾.主要有一步没想通. web打点 nmap -sP #发现主机IP #端口扫描 nmap -sV -p- 所得结果如下 Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00038s latency). Not shown: 65531 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp…
Boot2root challenges aim to create a safe environment where you can perform real-world penetration testing on an (intentionally) vulnerable target. This workshop will provide you with a custom-made VM where the goal is to obtain root level access on…
运行环境 Virtualbox (二选一) Vnware Workstation player 通关提示 Enumeration is key Try Harder Look in front of you Tweet @togiemcdogie if you need more hints ip探测 本次实验攻击机为kali 由于我们的目标与我们的物理机位于同一网段,所以我们要做的就是先获取目标机器的地址.在内网主机探测中,可以使用netdiscover来进行. 同样我们也可以用nmap神器来…
前言 备考OSCP,所以接下来会做一系列的OSCP向靶机来练手 靶机描述 I recently got done creating an OSCP type vulnerable machine that's themed after the great James Bond film (and even better n64 game) GoldenEye. The goal is to get root and capture the secret GoldenEye codes - fla…
Metasploitable3简介 Metasploitable3是Metasploitable2的升级版本,它是一个虚拟靶机系统,里面含有大量未被修复的安全漏洞,它主要是用于metasploit-framework测试的漏洞目标.不过Metasploitable3的好处是除了是升级版之外,还可以生成Windows版本和Linux版本,具体就是指可以生成windows_2008_r2和ubuntu_1404这两种不同的系统 官方文档提示所需条件 System Requirements: OS c…
DC-1 靶机渗透 *概况*: 下载地址 https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/dc-1,292/ *官方描述:* DC-1 is a purposely built vulnerable lab for the purpose of gaining experience in the world of penetration testing. It was designed to be a challenge for beginners, but just how eas…
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var Android = String(ua.match(/android/i)) == "android"; var iPad = String(ua.match(/ipad/i)) == "ipad"; var iPhone = String(ua.match(/iphone/i)) == "iphone"; var url = window.locat…
很多Android开发者或者网站端都可能会困扰关于如何区分Android phone和Android Pad的ua.确实这个问题很困难,我也曾被困扰了一段时间,后来在Stackoverflow中发现了解决方法. 答案: Mobile Android has “mobile” in the User-agent. Tablet Android does not. 详细英文解释: Here’s a trending User-Agent detection misstep we hope to he…